Single Single, Staying Married: The Rise of Sleep Divorce in India
According to a study, more than 70% of Indian couples choose to improve sleeping to improve rest, citing snoring, stress and mismatched schedule – according to a study, highlighting the global sleep crisis affecting health and relationships.

As an awareness of quality sleep increases, a global sleep study has highlighted a silent sleep crisis, revealing that more than 70% of Indian couples are choosing for sleep divorce – selecting gold separately to improve the quality of rest.
According to Resmed’s 2025 Global Sleep Survey, India goes into sleep, with 78%of couples adopt exercises, followed by China (67%) and South Korea (65%). A study that surveyed more than 30,000 individuals in the market found a broad global sleep crisis, in which pairs were divided equally in the United Kingdom and the United States -50% always sleeping together and 50% separately.
While gold may seem unconventional, for many people, it has become an essential step to increase sleep quality and overall relationship health. The major reasons quoted for sleep disturbances include snoring, loud breathing, or gasp for air (32%), restlessness (12%), mismatched sleeping schedule (10%), and using screen (8%) in beds. Due to these disruption in older generations, there was more likely to report different gold.

Those who have opted for the arrangement of different sleep, they improve the quality of sleep and even increased relationships including better sex life.
However, experts suggest that co-sleeping has its own benefits. Sharing a bed with a partner triggers the release of oxytocin – ‘love hormones’ – which can increase the satisfaction of life and relationship with the lower levels of depression, anxiety and stress. A study published in Sleep found that couples who share a bed experience these emotional benefits, while another study in the Friends in Psychiatry states that co-dancing is about 10% faster than 10% faster eye movement (Rem) is associated with sleep.
Asked about their feelings related to gold next to a partner, the respondents listed love (53%), comfort (47%), rest (41%), happiness (27%), and peace as their top emotions.
Struggle for quality sleep
In today’s fast-paced world, by prioritizing self-care, there can be work, balanced family and social expectations, casualties. The study recognized stress, anxiety, financial pressure, mental health status and relationship issues as top contributors in poor sleep.
Stress, in particular, was reported as an important factor for 69%of Indians, followed by high levels in South Korea (67%), Thailand (65%), Singapore (65%), and Germany (61%). Among the General Z respondents, 53% cited anxiety as the primary cause of sleep deficiency.

Despite identifying the effects of poor sleep, many people remain inactive about seeking help -22% reported to be reluctant to address their sleep issues. This is the results of this decency, including deteriorating mood, decrease in concentration, stressful relationships, and reducing performance of the workplace. On the other hand, obtaining adequate sleep has been shown to increase mood, cognitive function and overall welfare.
Health and workplace effects of poor sleep
Lack of sleep is associated with serious health risks, including mental crisis, dangerous driving, and chronic conditions. Chief Medical Officer of Resmed Dr. Carlos Nunez has warned that chronic sleep deficiency increases the risk of cognitive decline, mood disorder, anxiety and depression. In individuals with untreated sleep apnea, the risk is even more, leading to heart failure, diabetes and stroke.
The US Institute of Medicine Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research states that sleeping less than six hours per night reduces cognitive performance, equal to total sleep lack.
Despite the important role of sleep in the performance of the job, almost half employed responders believe that their employers do not prefer sleep health. Dangerous, 70% of the workers accepted to call at at least once due to a poor night sleep, affecting the workplace productivity, morale and time limit.

In India, 80% of employees believe that their employers value sleep health-the highest 47% of the survivors have taken sick leave due to lack of sleep. Additionally, about half (49%) of Indian respondents struggles to sleep at least three times a week, while 37% work begins after 9 pm, disrupts natural sleep cycles and increases the risk of chronic sleep deficiency.
Gender inequalities in sleep health
Women in India experience the quality of poor sleep compared to men, according to the study, 3.83 nights per week compared to 4.13 for men. Hormonal changes play an important role, with 38% of women sleeping, sleeping with 29% of men. The effect of lack of sleep on work is also more pronounced among women-17% of Indian women have taken sick leave due to poor sleep compared to 12% of men.

Menopause further increased sleep challenges, with 44% of menopause women struggling to sleep at least three times a week at a week at least three times a week compared to women of menopause.
The increasing trend of sleeping divorce underlines the increasing importance of preferring sleep health. A practical solution can be a practical solution for many joints at bedtime, while addressing the root causes of sleep disturbances such as stress, lifestyle options, and medical conditions and medical conditions. Increasing awareness about good sleep benefits and encouraging open discussions about sleep health in personal and professional settings can help individuals and couples improve better comfort and overall well -being.