Actress Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have reportedly filed for divorce on their second wedding anniversary. A video clip from her documentary ‘The Greatest Love Story Never Told’ is now going viral, in which actress Jane Fonda predicted that all may not be well between the pop icon and the ‘Batman’ star. Divorce report is being filed These things were published everywhere in the media.
In this clip featured in ‘The Greatest Love Story Never Told,’ Jane Fonda calls JLo. She tells the singer, “I want you to know that — I don’t quite know why — but I’m interested in you and Ben and I really, really, really want this to work out.”
“This is my concern, though,” Fonda explains in the video, “it seems like you’re trying to prove something instead of just living. You know, every other photo shows the two of you kissing and hugging.”
But Jennifer Lopez reassured the 86-year-old actor that everything is fine and “we’re just living our lives.”
Fonda and Jennifer Lopez shared the screen in the 2005 romantic comedy ‘Monster-in-Law’. Meanwhile, ‘The Greatest Love Story Never Told’ is available on Prime Video.