How obesity is fueling India’s growing diabetes epidemic
Obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. The increasing rate of obesity is closely related to the increasing cases of diabetes in India.

Obesity is a major factor in type 2 diabetes, increasing a person’s risk by about six times compared to people who are at a healthy weight. A 2023 study showed that “treatment of obesity is a cornerstone in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes.”
According to Dr Rakesh Kumar Prasad, consultant in diabetology and endocrinology at Fortis Hospital, Noida, although not every person with obesity will develop diabetes, factors such as family history, diet, physical activity, stress levels and gut health also play a role in determining it. Play a big role in. One person’s risk.
“The strong association between obesity and diabetes has given rise to the term ‘diabetes,’ which describes the coexistence of both conditions. This term represents a serious health threat, as having both obesity and type 2 diabetes increases the risk of heart disease. The risk of the disease increases significantly, which is the leading cause of death,” Dr Prasad tells
This connection is based on how excess body fat impairs the body’s response to insulin, a hormone important for regulating blood sugar.
With obesity rates rising globally, cases of type 2 diabetes are also rising in parallel, making obesity a major contributor to the diabetes epidemic in India. According to India’s medical panel, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), more than 11% of India’s population has diabetes. ICMR also revealed that at least 25% of Indians are classified as overweight or obese.
The mechanisms linking obesity to type 2 diabetes are multifaceted.
Dr. Prasad says obesity triggers fat-induced insulin resistance, lipid imbalance (such as high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol), fatty liver (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD), and dysfunction in insulin-producing cells .
Together, these factors create a metabolic environment that predisposes individuals to prediabetes and ultimately type 2 diabetes.
Where fat is distributed also affects diabetes risk.
For example, “apple-shaped” obese men, who have a high amount of upper body fat, have fat accumulation in the liver, muscles, and pancreas, increasing their risk of type 2 diabetes. .
In contrast, women who had more fat stored in the lower body (gluteofemoral fat) had a better metabolic profile, lower blood sugar levels, higher HDL cholesterol and improved insulin sensitivity.
Addressing obesity through lifestyle changes, improving diet and exercise is key in preventing and managing diabetes, especially as obesity is fueling the diabetes crisis worldwide, experts say.