On Tuesday, March 4, the young and restless spoils, the Felice Summers (Mitchell Stafford) reveal the in -depth drama, reaching his braking point and trying to avoid captivity. Meanwhile, the Summer Pneumon (Elison Lanier) continued to point out the fingers, blaming the Sharon Pneumon (Sharon case). In other places, the Chancellor (Conner Floid) finds himself caught in a difficult situation as he receives a difficult request.
Felice gets rapidly disappointed with her long -standing rival, Felis cryptic riddles and their imprisonment. The determination to be free, she holds a chair and prepares to break a window, shouts to help. However, the Sharon intervenes, struggling with the felis on the chair, fearing that his prisoner may be delayed even worse.
Despite their enmity, the two women eventually agree to work together on a escape plan. Their prisoners can also approve their cooperation, but when it seems that they can succeed, their efforts eventually fail.
Meanwhile, Sharon is suspected in summer. When the Feelis disappeared at the same time as Sharon, the summer initially doubted dishonesty. Even though Phyllis briefly checked on the phone, it is unresolved by his sudden silence in summer – especially when Sharon made a similar call to Nick Pneumon (Joshua Moro) before disappearing again.
Assuming that Sharon would have forced Phyllis to make that call, Summer refused to quit his suspicion. Chance urges him not to jump at conclusion without evidence, but the heat is disappointed, assuming that he is not taking his concerns seriously.
Daniel Romaloti Junior (Michael Graziade) also increasingly worried and gives an opportunity to start an official inquiry into the disappearance of Fillis. However, before stating that she was out of the city and assured the summer, Chance faces a difficult decision. While he agrees that something shut down, chasing an official police case without concrete evidence can prove to be challenging.
The opportunity will be what he can help, but the obstacles lie further, causing this matter to become more complicated.
As the feelice and Sharon struggle to break free, the doubts of summer grow, and the drama on the Chancecate, young and restless with a difficult request. Spoilers irritates that the shocking news will soon shake things, which everyone questioned what comes next. Stay for the next turn in this revelation mystery.