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Sunday, July 7, 2024

X users signaled another dating scam, joining the many dating app scams that already exist

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X users signaled another dating scam, joining the many dating app scams that already exist

An X user outsmarted a scammer posing as a dating app match, paying 20 bucks instead of falling for the scam.

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In today’s digital age, dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge have become common places to meet new people. However, these platforms have also become hunting grounds for fraudsters who want to exploit unsuspecting users. A recent incident shared on X (formerly Twitter) highlights the ongoing issue of dating app scams and how one clever individual managed to turn the tables on a fraudster.


There are many types of scams that occur on dating apps. One such scam is called a romance scam. In a romance scam, the scammer creates a fake profile, often using stolen photos and a fictitious identity. They build an emotional connection with the victim over time, establishing trust and intimacy. Once the relationship seems secure, they start asking for money citing various emergencies like medical bills, travel expenses, or financial troubles.

This is similar to what a user named Infensive shared on the social media platform. His story quickly gained popularity online. He did not reveal if he was the one who was duped by the scammer but his chats show that the person who had chatted with the alleged scammer, in turn, duped him using the same tricks that fraudsters usually use to dupe people online.

The screenshots show how the user dodged a fraudster who tried to dupe him of Rs 1,000 via Google Pay. According to Jay, the fraudster, posing as a match from the dating app, asked for the money by telling a typical sob story. However, the user on the other end suspected foul play and decided to play along, but with a twist.

Screenshots of the entire conversation with the scammer known as Yami were shared. Instead of sending the money, the user pretended to make the payment twice, claiming that it failed both times. He then convinced Yami to send Rs 20 as a test first, to ensure that the transaction would work. Falling for the bait, Yami sent Rs 20, but the victim blocked him soon after receiving the money.

Common Dating App Scams

There are many different types of dating app scams. Here are some notable examples:
–Romance scam: Scammers often create fake profiles with attractive photos to give victims a false sense of security. After establishing a relationship, they begin asking for money, usually for emergencies or travel expenses.
–Location scam: Some scammers arrange to meet at expensive restaurants and then take advantage of the situation to trick the victim into paying a hefty bill. In some cases, these scammers work in conjunction with the restaurant to split the profits.
–Fake investments: Scammers convince victims to invest in fake businesses or schemes, promising high returns. Once the money is transferred, the scammer disappears.

How to protect yourself

To stay safe from these scams, consider the following tips:

–Be suspicious: If someone you met online asks you for money, be skeptical. Real relationships don’t involve financial requests so soon.
—Verify their identity: Before making any financial commitment, verify the person’s identity. A video call or checking their social media profile can help.
–Do not share personal information: Avoid sharing your address, banking information or any personal information that could be used to defraud or harm you.
–Use the app’s safety features: Most dating apps have features to report suspicious behavior. If something looks fishy, ​​use these tools to report the user.
–Trust your intuition: If something feels wrong, trust your intuition. It is better to be cautious and protect yourself from potential fraud.

As dating app usage continues to grow, so do the cunning of scammers. Jay’s amusing story of outsmarting a scammer on X serves as both entertainment and a warning. By staying informed and cautious, users can protect themselves and enjoy a safer online dating experience. If you encounter a scammer, reporting them can help keep the community safer for everyone.



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