Why does the brain love a good afternoon nap?
Afternoon naps, which are a traditional practice, have been scientifically proven to enhance brain functioning, especially memory and decision-making abilities.

Afternoon naps, which are mostly counted among the traditional methods taught by our grandmothers, have been scientifically proven to enhance brain function.
These naps, often taken after lunch and lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes or up to an hour, can have a number of effects on the brain, especially memory and decision-making.
One study found that people who regularly took short naps in the afternoon had better cognitive function, including improved memory, alertness, and mental clarity.
The study, published in the journal Sleep, showed that taking a 15-minute nap after lunch increased participants’ alertness, performance and autonomic function.
Interestingly, other research has shown that people who nap for longer periods of time, such as 60 minutes or more, do not experience the same benefits and, in some cases, experience drowsiness or sleep inertia (a short period of confusion and low alertness or mood immediately after waking).
Researchers believe these short naps help clear information overload from the brain, allowing for better processing and storage of new information.

Additionally, naps may help reduce stress and improve mood, contributing to overall brain health.
Dr. Sunita Nagpal, senior gynecologist and practitioner at Salubritas Medcenter, said that taking a nap has its benefits, but it also has its disadvantages.
The right time should be according to your body clock. According to Dr. Nagpal, the time between 1 pm and 3.30 pm is the best.
However, naps should not be taken just because they are considered healthy. According to the expert, “When considering naps, people should feel tired or sleepy when they have been working for long hours and have not been able to get enough sleep.”
Disadvantages of afternoon nap
If the nap becomes longer, then its disadvantages are:
- This can increase obesity.
- This can cause high blood pressure.
- This can result in heart disease.
- This can make one feel sad.
- This may cause sleep disturbances at night.
“Afternoon naps are good for children as they improve concentration, improve memory and also help in gaining some weight,” said Dr Nagpal.
According to the expert, although afternoon naps are encouraged, it should be followed by incorporating physical activity into the morning or evening routine.