Why do heart attack cases increase in winter?
Cardiovascular events increase in winter. This happens due to a phenomenon called vasoconstriction.

According to experts, heart related incidents increase in winter. While cases of heart attacks occur throughout the year, cold weather can increase the chances of heart attacks, especially in people with high blood pressure.
“In winter, the body’s blood vessels shrink, also known as vasoconstriction. Although this mechanism helps reduce heat loss from the body, it also increases the body’s blood pressure or causes hypertension. It means work hard for the heart,” Dr Vaibhav Mishra, senior director, Max Hospital, Patparganj, told India Today’s Sneha Mordani.
A classical symptom of a heart attack is chest pain or angina.
However, Dr. Mishra cautioned that not every chest pain is the same as this type of pain can also occur in other parts of the body such as the jaw, left or right shoulder and back. “Any pain or abnormal sensation in the upper back should raise alarm,” he said.
Other symptoms such as sweating, feelings of anxiety, nervousness, dizziness – these are also related factors.
How you wake up in the morning also matters.
“Whenever we get up from a sitting position, blood rushes out of our body to the lower extremities, so there is a sudden pooling of blood. But in some people, while this is a normal activity, it can cause syncopal episodes or fainting. This effect is more common in people with high blood pressure who are taking certain medications,” said Dr. Mishra.
Cases of brain stroke also often occur during the cold months. Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked or a blood vessel in the brain bursts. Sudden destruction of brain cells.
Dr Bhupendra Kumar, Director, Neurology Medharbar, Gurugram, said, “In winter, our blood is not able to flow as freely as in summer. Due to vasoconstriction, the blood flow gets constricted due to narrowing of the blood vessels.” ,
High blood pressure should be controlled to avoid brain stroke.
“Keep your blood pressure under control if you are taking medications. If possible, keep a record of blood pressure in our daily records. Keep saturated fat levels in your blood low,” cautions Dr. Kumar. ”
Apart from these factors, physical activity decreases in winter. Due to low temperatures, most people often stay indoors. This factor combined with a high-calorie diet can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Experts recommend increasing light physical activity, wearing warm clothes when going out, and maintaining a heart-healthy diet including vegetables, fruits, high fiber content and adequate protein.