After calling a child 911 in the US state of Oklahoma, it has gone viral on social media and asked for “emergency donuts”. The Moore Police Department shared the end of the exchange of the exchange between boys, Bennett and Dispatcher on Friday (February 28).
In particular, the boy first dial 911 and began calling the dispatcher gib away before handing over the phone. He rebuilt the number after a while and told the dispatcher about “emergency requirement for donuts”.
“911, it’s an emergency,” Bennett said, for which Dispatcher replied: “An emergency?”
“Emergency donuts,” the child replied.
“Donuts? I need donuts. Are you going to share your donuts?” The dispatcher can be heard saying this in response to the boy’s request.
After a little back and forth between the two, Bennett hung the call saying: “Goodbye! A good day. Boop!”
The next day, the Moore police department officials reached the boy’s residence and met him a box by handing him a box of donuts.
“Emergency Donuts: Sequel Bennett requested a donut emergency, and #MPD! His smile and laughter said all this!” The police department captioned the video posted on social media.
Emergency Donuts: Sequel
Bennett requested a donut emergency, and #MPD Reacted! His smile and laughter said all this! We are together #MuOtrong, #Servicebeforeself #Donutsdonutsdonuts
– Moore Police Department (@Mooorepolice) 28 February, 2025
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Social media reacts
A user said, “I think we can accept all that we need emergency donuts at one point,” a user said, while another said: “As a former police call handler, as a former police call handler, I can safely say that it will be counted as promoting our monthly morale.”
One third remarked: “You guys were sweet to do so. For all Naysayers: I am sure that his parents are making sure it does not happen again. Just enjoy the beautiful story as a break from negative news!”
You guys were sweet to do so. For all naysayers: I am sure his parents are sure that it does not happen again. Just enjoy the beautiful story as a break from negative news!
– @heatherinmo (@heatherinmo) March 2, 2025
According to the police department, Bennett used an old cellphone, which can still be used to call 911 in an emergency, but has no other functional use.