In March 2024, Anupam Kher announced that he is going to direct a new film titled Tanvi: The Great. The film is currently being shot in Mumbai. Yesterday, August 21, 2024, Pinkvilla exclusively reported that Iain Glen has been cast in the film. We also spotted some pictures of the Game of Thrones actor with Kher from the sets. Now, the director has made an official announcement about their collaboration, while Iain has called India a ‘beautiful country’.
Today, on August 22, Anupam Kher took to Instagram to share a video with Iain Glen, who is famous for playing Jorah Mormont in the Game of Thrones series. In the video, Kher told Iain, “Iain, our picture got leaked yesterday and it went viral. Now, why don’t we tell people what you are doing here?”
In response, Ian said that he was there to work in the film Tanvi: The Great and expressed his happiness. Kher said that he is very happy to work with him and he has seen many of his works. They also talked about working together in the British series Mrs. Wilson.
Kher said that he called Ian and told him about the ‘fantastic role’ in Tanvi: The Great. He said that Ian was pleased to accept it. Kher also expressed his gratitude to Ian. Ian said that it was a matter of happiness for him. The DDLJ actor welcomed him to India and both of them also said ‘Namaste’ together.
Watch the video here!
In the caption, Anupam Kher made the official casting announcement. He wrote, “ANNOUNCEMENT: Ladies and Gentlemen! Since our picture from the sets of #TanviTheGreat went viral yesterday, #IainGlen and I decided to tell the world about our collaboration for the film.”
Expressing his feelings, he said, “Personally I am very happy and proud to have #Ian on board for my direction. I have been a fan of his talent on stage and screen and of course #GameOfThrones! Thank you my friend! Jai Ho! #TanvidTheGreat #GameOfThrones #MagicOfCinema.”
Iain Glen shared his happiness in the comments section of the post, saying, “Anupam is a very special person. It’s impossible to spend any time with him without enriching my view of the world. I am so happy to be a part of his film #TanviTheGreat.” Talking about visiting India for the first time, he added, “And it’s my first time in India. A beautiful country and beautiful people.”
Check out his comment!
Earlier, a source close to the development had told Pinkvilla, “Glenn will play a key role in the film. Anupam Kher has roped in the best of the bunch in his team – from Oscar winner MM Keeravani to Academy winner Resul Pookutty for music, and many more as sound designers. Iain Glen joining the cast adds even more excitement.
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