This Singapore-based brewing company is making moon-powered kombucha, find out why

Moon Juice Kombucha, a microbrewery in Singapore, blends traditional brewing with modern health practices. By incorporating mystical traditions into healthy brews, this company has gained widespread attention. Combining biodynamic farming with winemaking techniques, they differentiate themselves by brewing beverages according to the lunar cycle – a blend of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge health practices. While the concept may seem far-fetched at first, it is based on practical and scientifically backed principles. Let’s explore the reason and method behind this innovative initiative in detail. Read on.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from tea, sugar, bacteria and yeast. Known for its stimulating properties and numerous health benefits, this probiotic drink is rich in antioxidants, fights harmful bacteria and supports overall health. It is believed to have originated in China, but it has spread to neighboring countries such as Japan and Russia.

Also read: Gut-health: How kombucha is good for your gut

Kombucha is made according to the lunar cycle. Photo: iStock

How did it emerge in Singapore?

With its global popularity, kombucha has also found a welcome audience in health-conscious Singapore. Amidst this demand, Moon Juice Kombucha has carved out a niche for itself by offering a unique beverage with a twist.

A Singapore-based brewery is making moon-powered kombucha. Photo: iStock

Why the lunar cycle?

Brewing kombucha according to the lunar cycle is based on the belief that the moon influences natural rhythms on Earth. Just as the moon affects the tides, it also enhances the fermentation process, enhancing probiotic potency and flavor profiles. Moon Juice Kombucha utilizes this astronomical influence by timing brewing and bottling to coincide with specific lunar phases.

“We want customers to have a great kombucha experience and understand what they’re drinking,” says Moon Juice founder Emily Lu.

Also Read: Kombucha: A Probiotic Super Drink That Is As Healthy As It Is Delicious

The science behind it and the process of making wine

Linking agricultural and fermentation activities with the lunar cycle is an ancient tradition followed by farmers and winemakers. Moon Juice Kombucha innovatively integrates biodynamic farming and careful brewing techniques with traditional lunar concepts to craft its beverages.

Moon Juice Kombucha is an example of how traditional practices can enrich modern life, honoring ancient wisdom while meeting the needs of health and fitness enthusiasts. As kombucha continues to grow in popularity, Moon Juice Kombucha’s distinctive approach ensures it remains a beverage that nourishes both body and spirit.

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