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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tall people are at higher risk of cancer, this could be the reason

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Tall people are at higher risk of cancer, this could be the reason

Taller individuals have a slightly higher risk of developing various types of cancer, according to new research findings.

A young multiracial couple in their 20s walking
A study found that every 10 centimetre increase in height increased the risk of cancer by about 16%. (Photo: Getty Images)

Taller people have a slightly higher risk of developing cancer. A report by the World Cancer Research Fund states that there is strong evidence that taller people are more likely to develop cancers of the pancreas, large intestine, uterus (endometrium), ovary, prostate, kidney, skin (melanoma) and breast (before and after menopause).

One study found that tall people were more likely to develop 15 of 17 cancers examined.

Specifically, they found that every 10 centimetres increase in height increased the risk of cancer by approximately 16%, with similar results seen in men.

To put this into context, if about 45 out of every 10,000 women of average height (around 165 cm) develop cancer each year, about 52 out of every 10,000 women over 175 cm tall will be affected, a difference of only seven additional cases.

This represents a relatively small increase in risk.

Another study also found that 22 out of 23 cancers were more prevalent in tall people than in short people.

According to Susan Jordan, associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Queensland, and Karen Tuseley, postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Public Health at the University of Queensland, the link between height and cancer risk is found across different races and income levels, as well as in studies on genes that predict height.

height difference.
The relationship between height and cancer risk varies by ethnicity and income level. (Photo: Getty Images)

Writing in The Conversation, the researchers said that although it is not entirely clear why this connection exists, scientists have come up with several theories.

Many scientists believe that cancer develops due to the gradual build-up of genetic damage that occurs when a cell divides to form new cells.

According to experts, another theory suggests that a common factor may be responsible for both the increase in height and the higher risk of cancer.

One possible factor is a hormone called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which plays a key role in growth in childhood and promotes cell growth and division in adults.

This function is essential, as our bodies constantly need to produce new cells to replace damaged or old ones.

However, too much IGF-1 can be harmful. Some studies have shown that people with above-average IGF-1 levels have an increased risk of developing breast or prostate cancer.

However, this finding has not been consistent across all types of cancers.

It is likely that both factors, more cells and higher IGF-1 levels, may contribute to the increased risk of cancer in tall individuals.

“However, more research is needed to understand why tall people are more susceptible to cancer and whether this knowledge can be used for cancer prevention or treatment,” Jordan and Tewsley write.

What to do if you are tall?

Experts said that this risk can be reduced by making some changes in lifestyle.

Try to:

eat healthy diet
Exercise regularly
Maintain a healthy weight
Be careful in the sun
Limit alcohol consumption.
And, most importantly, don’t smoke.

“You can also participate in cancer screening programmes, which help detect breast, cervical and bowel cancers early, so that they can be treated successfully,” the researchers advised.


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