According to the Corruption Dharna Index (CPI) for Denmark 2024, Finland, Singapore and New Zealand are the least corrupt countries in the world, which serves as a barometer of public sector misconduct worldwide. The report compiled by Transparency International placed India at 96th position, drowned three positions from the last year’s rank.
This index ranks 180 countries and regions using a scale of zero to 100 to 180 countries and territories, where “zero” is highly corrupt and “100” is very clear. . The 2024 report states that corruption is a dangerous problem in every part of the world, but in many countries a change is taking place.
According to the list, in 2024, India’s overall score was 38, while it was 39 in 2023 and 40 in 2022. India ranked 93 in 2023.
Among the neighbors of India, Pakistan at 135th place, and Sri Lanka, with their respective low rankings at 121st place. Bangladesh ranked at 149 and below, while China was ranked 76.
Many countries performed the worst performance in more than a decade, including major powers such as Russia and Venezuela.
The US fell by 69 points by 65 and landed 28th from the 24th position. Other Western countries included France on the decline, which were at four points 67 and 25th in five places; And Germany, who fell three points, finished 75 and six in six places. It was tied with Canada, which was in one point and three places.
Transparency International said that Mexico also left five points as the judiciary failed to take action in corruption cases.
Russia, which has already declined significantly in recent years, scored 22 to 22 points last year. Transparency International mentioned that Moscow’s full -scale invasion in February 2022 has “carried forward the dictatorialism”. It states that Ukraine, while its score dropped one digit to 35, “is progressing among judicial freedom and high-level corruption prosecution.”
South Sudan slipped into the bottom of the index with just eight points, displacing Somalia, although the later country score fell to nine. He was followed by Venezuela 10 and 12 with Syria.
Transparency International said that in 2024 “the level of global corruption remains dangerously high, with efforts to reduce them.” During the same period, it became stable or spoiled.
Impact of corruption on climate
The group pointed to risks worldwide from corruption to efforts to deal with climate change. It states that transparency and lack of accountability mechanisms increases the risk of embezzlement or misuse of climate funds, while “unfair effects”, often from the private sector, hinders the approval of ambitious policies, reducing emissions and The effects of global heating obstructs progress to unavoidable.
“A large number of people around the world have serious consequences of global heating, as funds are stolen or abused to help countries cut greenhouse gas emissions and protect the weak population. At the same time, at the same time, The objective of the policies of corruption barriers as an inappropriate impact was the objective of policies, the purpose of policies aims, the purpose of the policies, the purpose of the policies, which was aimed at the objective of the policies, the purpose of the policies, which aims to the objective of the policies. , The purpose of the policies was aimed at the purpose of policies.
Protecting adaptation efforts from climate mitigation and corruption will make these life -saving activities more effective and in return, people will benefit in need, it was added.
Many countries with high CPI scores have resources and power to run corruption-resistant climate action worldwide, but instead, they often serve the interests of fossil-futile companies, the report states.
“Some of these countries are also homes of financial hubs, which attract illegal funds arising from corruption, environmental destruction and other crimes. While CPI does not measure it, dirty money is a major corruption problem with harmful effects that these Reaching beyond countries ‘Borders,’ said this.
Corruption is a developed global threat that is much higher than reducing development – this is a major reason for democracy, instability and decreasing human rights violations. The report states that the international community and every country should deal with corruption with a top and long -term priority.
“It is important to push back against dictatorism and secure a peaceful, independent and durable world. The dangerous trends that came out in this year’s corruption perception index need to follow with concrete action to address global corruption Has exposed, “Said.