Shraddha Kapoor keeps sharing glimpses of her day on social media for her fans. Although some of the captions are well-intentioned, her fans are amazed at how she acts like a normal person despite being an accomplished actress. On the first day of 2025, the diva took to her social media handle to share how she had a great start to the year. Apparently, the actress went to the gym, pet her dogs and spent time with family. Check it out!
On January 1, 2025, Shraddha Kapoor shared four pictures on her Instagram stories, which perfectly sum up how her first day of the new year went. The first picture was a selfie from the gym from the first film Teen Patti. Next was a picture of soaked dried fruits and blueberries that she probably ate first thing in the morning. In the third picture, many colorful flowers are seen lined up together, while in the fourth picture she is seen cuddled up with her two pet dogs. Captioning the pictures, he wrote, “Great start to 2025.”
To keep an eye:
Soon after, his brother, Siddhant Kapoor also took to his social media handle and posted an adorable family picture, which was probably taken at a restaurant. Apart from the Kapoor siblings, the image also featured Priyank Sharma, Padmini Kolhapure, Tejaswini Kolhapure Saraswat and many others. Captioning the picture, Sid expressed, “2024 was both intense and beautiful, bringing lots of love, peace and positivity to everyone. Happy New Year to all.”
To keep an eye:
Earlier this month, the Stree 2 actress posted a series of pictures on her Instagram handle, giving a glimpse of her brother Siddhant’s birthday celebrations. In an old interview with Pinkvilla, she had talked about her relationship with her sister and said that they are like best friends. On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, they exclusively told us that as children they were inseparable.
“Basically, he was my brother and I was his sister. She played He-Man with me, while I played her game with her. We have a very special bond and we are like best friends.” Meanwhile, on the work front, Shraddha was last seen in Stree 2 alongside Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee and Aparshakti Khurana.
Also read: Shraddha Kapoor confirms she is in a relationship, says ‘I really love spending time with my partner’; it says on marriage