Pregnant Chinese women with 9 embryos lose all of them after complications

In a tragic turn of events, a Chinese woman who initially conceived nine fetus and had two surgery to remove seven of them last year, now lost the remaining two infants due to a serious infection, a report According to a report in South China Morning PostThe 25 -year -old woman, who was only recognized by her surname Hou, made headlines in China last year when her unusual pregnancy was reported.

According to a video posted by the woman’s husband on social media, she was in the middle stage of pregnancy, taking twins, when one of the twins was suffering from oligohydramanios (a condition when a situation is slightly around the fetus There is amniotic fluid).

“The doctors said that the infection was very serious and a high risk. We had to take the option to save the life of an adult and leave the children. If we did not work on time, the mother’s life would be endangered. “The husband said.

Initially, in November, HOU performed the process of reducing the number of fetus from nine to two in the hope of a safe pregnancy. The couple also cited the challenges of raising many children as one of the reasons for choosing for fetal reduction.

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‘Pains to lose children’

However, after losing the remaining embryos, Hou appeared distraught saying that “complete darkness” attached it.

“Hearing this news, I saw a complete darkness in front of me. I have been working hard for so long, but I can still not keep my children in the end,” said how.

“My water breaks causes this no-turning-back result. I have not experienced the joy of becoming a mother, but have already suffered the pain of losing children.”

According to Hou’s husband, she was detected of uterine ulcers and endometrial polyps, about a year after marriage, which made conception difficult. After a medical evaluation, she passed through ovulation induction therapy in early October last year and became pregnant later that month.

By the end of November, doctors confirmed that pregnancy had stabilized and allowed how to return home, only a few months later to the tragedy to strike.


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