Passengers riding on the P&O cruise ship “have been left like flies”, due to an outbreak of a suspected Norovirus, in a report sky News has claimed. P&O IONA, 5,000 guests and 1,800 staff members are currently passing Belgium on a seven -day cruise in Northern Europe.
“People (were) were throwing out in the restaurant, on the deck, outside the cabin,” one of the passengers told publishing, saying that a large number of guests and employees were experiencing the symptoms of the virus ” .
P&O Cruise confirmed that some guests have reported symptoms of gastrointestinal disease, but have refused to provide updates on cruise employees’ health. It said that the ratio of affected guests was less than one percent (500) of the total number.
A P&O spokesperson said, “P&O Cruise works with global, national and regional public health officials who are accepted and proven in our ships to protect the health and good of all.”
“Gastrointestinal -related disease is very common in the UK and mainly extends to the transmission of a person in an environment like hotels, schools and restaurants.”
The company said that any guest who experiences the symptoms of the virus and was unable to participate in the ‘noise activities’ would be completely returned.
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What is Norovirus?
It is a highly infectious virus that causes acute gastroenteritis, usually known as stomach flu. This is the major cause of food -borne disease worldwide, which is responsible for millions of cases annually.
In some cases, many patients may experience dehydration due to severe vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration may contribute to some additional symptoms such as dry mouth, decrease in urination and dizziness.
There is no special medicine for the treatment of Norovirus disease. To avoid dehydration, doctors recommend drinking lots of fluids to replace lost fluid. It is also necessary to wash your hands regularly with soap and water as the virus can remain in the stool of people recovered for at least two weeks.
Earlier this week, NHS England data showed that on average about 1,160 patients were in the hospital with a virus a day. Cases have increased to the highest level since the records started in 2012 BBC Report.
Similarly, at the beginning of the year, a Norovirus outbreak in the US was reported by the Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC).