Spain’s Ernesto Reinares Veria’s full-time profession is that of a “marriage destroyer”

Ernesto Reinares Vare worked as a marriage destroyer for Rs 47,000
Social media brings the newest of cool things into the spotlight. After influencers and prominent online leaders, welcome the “wedding destroyer”. Yes, you heard it right. What started as a sarcastic online advertisement turned into a profitable business for Ernesto Reinares Veria. Hailing from Spain, Ernesto calls himself a wedding destroyer. He told that his main source of income is destroying people’s weddings in exchange for money. If you are not surprised, let us tell you another bizarre thing, the demand for this wedding destroyer from brides and grooms around the world is so high that Ernesto has full bookings till the end of the year.
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His funny ad turned into a serious business soon after his first online ad went viral, which mentioned that he would happily object if anyone had any second thoughts on marriage. His ad read, “If you have doubts or don’t want to get married and don’t know how to refuse, don’t worry anymore, I will object to your marriage”. Unsurprisingly, requests to object to marriages actually started pouring in and this led to a boom in his business.
The process of Ernesto interrupting a wedding is very simple. Whoever wants to interrupt a wedding has to give him the location, time and 500 euros (Rs 47,000). He will come to the wedding venue and object to the wedding, creating a ruckus while pretending to be his client’s true love.

And not just this chaos, Ernesto is also prepared to endure physical violence from angry family members. He takes an extra 50 euros for every punch thrown at him. In an interview with Newsflash, he said, “I have weddings scheduled until December.”
Well, we don’t know if we should be amazed about the new profession or scared of what’s coming next.
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