Ozapic party not excuse: Top Pharma Boss says it is not a magic pill
Vikrant Shrotriya, Managing Director of the Today Conclave 2025, Novo Nordisk India in India, said that Ozmpic is not a ‘party drug’, but works with diet and exercise to compete with sick effects of obesity.

The ozapic “party” may not be excuse, the Wickranteer Shrotriya, Managing Director, Managing Director of India Division of Wet-Loss Drug-producer said that today in India’s Conclave 2025 discussing obesity.
He highlighted the importance of lifestyle and dietary changes to combat obesity as he pushed back against tags like “miraculous pill” for ozmpic.
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The drug helps to regulate appetite by affecting the signs of brain appetite and slowing the gastric emptying. “This is a rescue for those who cannot lose weight through diet and exercise alone,” they explained.
Addressing the complexities of weight management, he said that obesity is not just a lifestyle issue, but a metabolic disease that is deeply contained in human biology. Obesity is now so prevalent that it is rare due to having a normal body mass index (BMI), said Wikrant said. He highlighted the concept of “thin-fifty Indians”, stating that compared to Caucasian, Indians have more intestinal fat despite looking lean.
He said, “Fighting against obesity is not as simple as everyone thinks,” he said, metabolic abnormalities play an important role. While the traditional advice to eat less and exercise more seems logical, it does not always move towards continuous weight loss.
He compared the difficulty of weight loss to quit smoking, saying that it is not just about willpower.
Regarding concerns about the thinning of social pressure, Pharma Boss said that the real issue is not an unrealistic beauty standards, but the increasing burden of health problems related to obesity.
“I am more concerned about the health of the nation,” he said, while ozmpic is an effective tool, it should be used in a judicious manner and under medical supervision.
Talking about relaxing after stopping the ozmpic, Vikrant said, “As the conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid disorder returns, when the drug stops, the time of weight loss through diet and exercise is often temporary. The body fights back due to its natural existence.”
A major factor is that we often consume more calories, he said. “When you eat less, your appetite hormones eventually compensate, causing weight back.”
Ozmpic is a long -term drug for metabolic diseases, he said, highlighting that it helps reduce body weight, requires motivation and will power to maintain results.
“It is necessary to consult a doctor to determine a personal and durable approach,” he said.