Moana arrived in 2016, voiced by then-15-year-old Aulis Cravalho, and the rebellious character won over audiences. Now with the franchise returning in 2024, Cravalho has also returned to his beloved role. At 24, the actress has grown a lot over the years and in a recent interview, she opened up about how she and Moana have grown up together.
During a conversation with People Magazine, she revealed that she is “grateful” to be back on the project that launched her career, saying, “This character is one that has been a part of my life throughout my life as a young actor. Started my career.” Recalling his journey, he said, “I really have to look back at that entire decade to see how much progress I have made.” Cravalho explained the theme of the Disney sequel and how it differs from the first film. He explained that while the original was all about “connecting with the past”, Moana 2 will be about “connecting with the future”.
The Crush actress added, “It feels like Moana and I have come together in our evolution.” He explained that Village Chief is part of a very exclusive club; Disney characters who aged. He added that this is one of the rare times when “a Disney Princess has been allowed to age.” Explaining that her voice has changed since she was 15, and this will be reflected in the sequel in which Moana will sound “a little different”.
While Aulis Cravalho is again playing the lead role in the animated version of the film, she’s also preparing to don the executive producer’s hat for the live-action adaptation of the beloved film.
Also read: Dwayne Johnson praises daughters’ voiceover work in Moana 2: “Much better than daddy!”