Is obsessive cleaning actually good for your mental health?
Unlike regular cleaning, obsessive cleaning goes beyond regular housekeeping and can interfere with daily life. Imagine, you have to prepare and submit a presentation, but you start cleaning the couch instead.
Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean is seen in a positive light. And rightly so, it suggests that you should hold cleanliness and order in high esteem. But when cleaning becomes an obsession, it is not the same.
Obsessive cleaning is a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which compels people to clean and maintain cleanliness beyond reasonable levels. Please note that this does not mean keeping one’s work desk neat or making extra efforts to clean the bed for a good night’s sleep. Therefore, these common OCD hurls are definitely neither good nor reasonable.
Unlike regular cleaning, obsessive cleaning goes beyond regular housekeeping and can interfere with daily life. Imagine, you have to prepare and submit a presentation, but you start cleaning the couch instead.

It can also manifest as scrubbing countertops, sinks, and appliances multiple times a day, even if they are already clean. Or, someone washes their hands excessively, often for several minutes at a time, and multiple times within an hour. Obsessive cleaning can also manifest as giving a child a bath at night, even when it’s cold, because you’re afraid they might catch germs.
Many people consider this obsessive cleaning as a way to cope with stress or relieve tension. Experts say that it can be harmful not only to your mental health but also to your physical health.
What causes excessive cleaning?
Excessive cleaning is often not done intentionally, but is due to underlying factors such as anxiety or biological causes.
“The reasons for obsessing about cleanliness can be broadly divided into three categories – biological, psychological and environmental,” says Dr Rahul Chandok, chief psychiatrist at Delhi-NCR-based Artemis Hospital.
Genetics, vitamin levels and thyroid are among the biological factors, while rigidity and perfectionist traits in one’s personality are psychological causes that can lead to obsessive cleaning. “As for environmental factors, they refer to things at work, home and relationships,” explains Dr Chandhok.

“Often excessive cleaning habits are linked to anxiety and a need for control,” says Dr Ankita Priyadarshini, founder and clinical head and consultant psychiatrist at Thriving Minds, Dehradun.
He says this could be the result of a number of factors, including:
- anxiety disorders: People with anxiety disorders, especially OCD, tend to over-clean to reduce their anxiety.
- Perfectionism: The desire to have things perfectly organized can sometimes push a person to over-clean.
- Traumatic events: Cleaning may be adopted obsessively as a way to cope with experiences such as a loss or major life change.
- Upbringing: Having grown up in a controlled environment where a lot of emphasis is placed on hygiene, some patients may develop these habits.
- health concerns: Some people are overly concerned about germs and contamination, which leads them to develop cleaning habits.
Obsessive cleaning can also be episodic and triggered by certain situations such as stressful events, health scares, and life changes. Obsessive cleaning can also become prevalent in situations when someone feels they need to regain control of their life.
“Increased stress, such as work pressure or personal problems, can increase the need to clean to regain control of life,” says Dr. Priyadarshini.
News of an outbreak of disease (such as COVID-19) or personal health issues can also trigger it.
This obsession with cleanliness can also be seasonal for many people, often associated with seasonal depression.
“Major life events such as moving to a new home, having a child, or losing a loved one can trigger excessive cleaning behaviors to cope with stress,” says Dr Priyadarshini.
How to identify obsessive cleaning?
The main difference between regular cleaning and obsessive cleaning is that obsessive cleaning begins to interfere with work, social relationships, and overall quality of life.
While mental health experts agree that general cleaning and decluttering is generally good, it cannot be confused with obsessive cleaning. “At the expense of their work and other priorities, one may want to clean all the time,” says Dr Preeti Singh, senior consultant clinical psychology and psychiatry, chief medical officer, mental health startup Lisun.
“Excessive cleaning can take up a lot of your time and prevent you from attending to other responsibilities,” says Dr. Chandhok.
Dr. Priyadarshini has given some ways to identify it:
- Excessive time spent cleaning: Spending hours each day cleaning, often repeating tasks such as washing hands or scrubbing floors.
- Ritualistic Behavior: Keep repeating the cleaning until you are mentally satisfied or physically exhausted.
- Problems due to lack of cleaning: Feeling intense anxiety or discomfort when unable to clean up.
- Neglecting other activities: Giving up work, social activities or hobbies because of this compulsive need to clean.
- Unrealistic Standards: Holding oneself to impossible standards of cleanliness, often leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and inadequacy.
How does it affect your mental health?
Obsessive cleaning can be physically and mentally exhausting. Although many people think it relieves stress, according to experts, it is not.
“It is very distressing. The person is constantly thinking about cleaning and can’t stop doing it,” says Dr Chandhok.
The thing about distraction is that while it may seem like a short-term relief from anxiety, it doesn’t address the underlying issues.
Dr. Priyadarshini says, “The need to maintain unrealistic standards can lead to increased anxiety and stress. Excessive cleaning can often lead to social isolation, if the person avoids activities or social interactions, causing them to become more isolated and socially isolated. In addition, failing to meet one’s own high standards can lead to feelings of guilt and shame.”
“This ultimately reinforces harmful thought patterns and prevents the development of healthy coping mechanisms,” says Dr Ashima Ranjan, consultant, department of psychiatry, Yatharth Hospitals.
The effects of excessive cleaning are not just limited to a person’s mental health. Excessive use of cleaning products also causes physical health issues such as skin irritation and respiratory problems.

This can disrupt your schedule as obsessive cleaning takes up a lot of time. Don’t forget the financial stress that can arise from constantly buying cleaning supplies and replacing items.
What is the solution for this?
While many people admit that their cleaning habits have become obsessive, others find it harder to accept.
Seeking help from a mental health professional can help treat this condition. The most important thing to keep in mind is to not allow this behavior to take over your life.
Dr Chandhok says, “It is treatable. Don’t let it take over your life. Instead, seek help to fix it. Many people make changes in their lives in such a way that cleaning becomes an obsessive task, but it doesn’t have to be.”