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Friday, September 20, 2024

How to start water workout to escape the scorching heat?

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How to start water workout to escape the scorching heat?

You can also skip your regular gym and enjoy some fun water workout sessions by heading to a pool near you.

How to start water workout to escape the scorching heat?
You can start exercising in the water this summer, it’s simple and easy. (Photo: Getty Images)

With the summer sun blazing, finding the motivation to exercise can seem like a daunting task. But what if you could switch your workout routine to a swimming pool and burn almost the same number of calories? Are you ready for this?

Why water exercise?

Now, the first question that may arise in your mind is – “Why workout in water when we can workout in the gym?”

First of all, they low impactThis means they are gentle on your joints. The buoyancy of the water reduces the stress on your body, making it perfect for everyone – from beginners to experienced athletes. Plus, if you have an injury and are recovering, working out in the water can be really beneficial as it less laborious Experts say that this exercise is safer than going to the gym.

If an injury makes it difficult to go to the gym, you can start with light workouts in the water. (Photo: Unsplash)

Plus, when you exercise in the water, the resistance (or pull) is greater than your body’s ability to move. muscles work harder Exercising in the water is much easier than it would be possible to do on land. Unlike traditional exercises like running or weight lifting, where repetitive pressure can put a strain on your joints and muscles, exercising in the water provides a smooth, relaxing environment.

This makes you gain strength And Improve stamina This won’t put too much stress on your body, which will reduce the risk of injury and fatigue.


Like any workout, a good warm-up is essential, says Sanuj Srivastava, swimming instructor at Ayodhya Swimming Classes.

  • “Start with light swimming or walking in the water. Spend about 5-10 minutes to get your body used to the water and get your heart rate up,” he says.
  • Sanuj offers a quick tip to avoid catching a cold: “Take a bath before jumping into the pool. This helps your body adjust to the change in temperature, reducing the risk of falling sick.”

He suggests starting with these simple movements before moving on to bigger exercises:

  • Walking or jogging in the water: Walk comfortably in the water. If you are a beginner, you should get some support while walking in the pool. You may not realise but doing this for 30-40 minutes can help you lose about 200-250 calories. If you are not a swimmer, this will help you get used to the water,” says Sanuj.
  • Arm circles: Stand in shoulder-deep water and make big circular movements with your arms to loosen them up.
Woman standing with one foot submerged in water while holding a weight. (Photo: Unsplash)

These can be part of your routine for a few days, after which you can move on to other exercises. Sanuj makes it clear that age is no barrier and anyone, be it a child or an elderly person in his late 60s, can start with this water workout routine.

After developing strength (especially for beginners), you can move on to these exercises, as suggested by swimming coach Karan Yadav:

water aerobics

jumping jacks: Do jumping jacks regularly in waist-deep water. The resistance of the water becomes an additional challenge.

Above the knee: Jog in place and lift your knees high toward your chest.

strength training

Water push-ups: Use the edge of the pool for support. Lean forward and push backward, engaging your chest and arms.

Leg lifting: Hold on to the edge of the pool and lift your legs straight back, then lower them back in. This is great for your glutes and hamstrings.

main work

flutter kicks: Holding the edge of the pool, extend your legs forward and kick them while moving them.

Tuck Jump: Jump up and hug your knees to your chest, then come back down. This is great for your abs. (Do this if you have reached an advanced level)

While performing these exercises, make sure you are under the guidance of an expert.

You can also combine these exercises with your daily swimming sessions, they work wonders.

Things to keep in mind

Exercising in the water during the summer is a fun way to keep yourself busy while also staying cool. However, it is important to:

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen even when you’re in the water. (Photo: Unsplash)

  • Stay safe and hydrated: Always make sure you are in a safe environment, preferably with a lifeguard on duty if you are in a public pool. Hydration is also very important. “Even if you are in the water, you can still get dehydrated,” says Sanuj Srivastava. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your workout.
  • Listen to your body: If it doesn’t feel right, don’t overdo it. The best part about these workouts is that they are easy to adapt. Your comfort is the most important thing and you can change your routine at any time if you want.
  • Stay away from water in case of infection: If you have a particular infection, stay away from water. It will worsen it.
  • Use sunscreen: Always wear sunscreen whether you’re in or out of the water. Always wear waterproof sunscreen.

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