I remember the day I decided to quit caffeine. My morning cup of tea had become more of a dependency than a pleasure. The constant feelings of highs and lows were taking a toll on my productivity and overall health. In a world that runs on coffee, tea and energy drinks, the decision to quit caffeine can feel terrifying. But, at the end of the day, it is worth it. Quitting caffeine is not just about removing your favourite drink from your lifestyle, but slowly controlling your withdrawal symptoms and finding new sources of energy. If you are thinking about quitting caffeine, you are not alone. This guide can help you understand what the pitfalls are and make your journey a little easier. Here are five common mistakes to avoid when quitting caffeine.
Also read: How many cups of coffee should you drink per day? We know!
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Avoid these 5 mistakes when quitting caffeine
1. Quitting smoking suddenly
Many people aim to quit caffeine suddenly, as they think it is the fastest way to kick the habit. While this may work for some people, quitting caffeine suddenly can cause a number of symptoms such as headaches, irritability, and extreme fatigue. Instead of quitting caffeine suddenly, reduce your caffeine intake gradually. For example, if you drink three cups of coffee a day, reduce it to two and eventually one. Even better, you can start drinking decaffeinated versions of coffee. This gradual reduction can help your body adapt to a new routine.
2. Not being alert to withdrawal symptoms
If you consume too much caffeine, underestimating the intensity of withdrawal symptoms can quickly lead to addiction returning. As mentioned above, caffeine withdrawal can cause mood swings, drowsiness, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. To combat this, plan your caffeine reduction at a time when you can proceed slowly, preferably on the weekend or during a less demanding time at work. Taking pain relievers can also help you control symptoms.
3. Ignoring hidden sources of caffeine
Just cutting down on tea and coffee will not help you on this journey. In fact, you also need to identify the hidden sources of caffeine. Chocolates, certain medicines or even soft drinks may contain caffeine. To prevent yourself from getting derailed from your journey, read on to know all the possible sources of caffeine. Read food labels carefully as they may contain caffeine. Choose decaffeinated options to ensure that you are not consuming it indirectly.

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4. Not keeping yourself hydrated
It is very important to hydrate yourself from time to time for a healthy body. But did you know that not drinking enough water while reducing caffeine addiction can increase your withdrawal symptoms? Caffeine is a diuretic and quitting it can change your hydration levels. In fact, try to drink as much water as possible throughout the day. Set water hydration reminders every half hour. Always keep a reusable bottle with you. Staying well hydrated can help reduce headaches and fatigue. Herbal teas, coconut water, and other hydration beverages can help support your body during this transition.
5. Not changing your lifestyle
If nothing changes, nothing changes. Don’t use caffeine as an excuse for your poor sleep, lack of exercise, or unhealthy diet. In fact, focus on improving your overall lifestyle. Make sure you are getting enough sleep every night. Make sure to include regular exercise in your routine as it can naturally increase your energy levels. Don’t compromise on your diet and eat as many nutritious foods as you can!
Also read: What is decaf coffee? Is it a good idea to drink it instead of regular coffee?
Are there any other mistakes to avoid when quitting caffeine? Let us know in the comments below!
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