Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday spoke at the United Nations Summit on the Future, saying new arenas of conflict are emerging along with terrorism and the time has come that “global action must be matched by global ambition.”
Prime Minister Modi said that while terrorism continues to pose a serious threat to global peace and security, “cyber, maritime and space are emerging as new arenas of conflict.”
“On all these issues I would emphasize that global action must be matched by global ambition,” he said.
Speaking about the growing global concern over the threats posed by new and emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence, Prime Minister Modi said, “There is a need for balanced regulation at the global level for the safe and responsible use of technology.”
As per the Wilmington Declaration made at the Quad meeting two days ago, the leaders of the US, Australia, Japan and India announced their intention to enhance cybersecurity partnership.
The joint declaration said, “In view of the deteriorating security environment in the cyber domain, the Quad countries intend to enhance our cybersecurity partnership to address common threats posed by state-sponsored actors, cyber criminals, and other non-state malicious actors. Our countries are committed to taking concrete steps to enhance our collective network defence through greater threat intelligence sharing and capacity building and to advance technological capabilities.”
In their declaration, the leaders unequivocally condemned terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms and manifestations, including cross-border terrorism.
The statement said, “We are committed to international cooperation and will work with our regional partners in a comprehensive and sustained manner to strengthen their capacity to prevent, detect and respond to threats posed by terrorism and violent extremism, in accordance with international law, including those posed by the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes.”
Prime Minister Modi said, “When we discuss the global future, we must give top priority to a human-centric approach while prioritising sustainable development.”
“We also have to ensure human welfare, food and health security,” he said, adding that India is ready to share its experience in eradicating poverty and bridging the digital divide.