The latest episode of General Hospital finally unveiled the plan to take Karli and Nina’s Drew down. Karli and Drew have a long professional and personal history together, but their relationship became sour after their co-owned company Aurora media.
Drew became more powerful and corrupt and operated shady deals, which threw Karli. Both cannot stand each other, let them trade alone. So Karli, along with Nina, conspired for his downfall.
They intend to initiate an investigation of Drew to find evidence to use against him. Since Nina has its safe passcode and Maxi has access to his home as his interior designer, he has all the resources to scare his place for any suspect.
In other places, Drew – Unknown to the conspiracy against him – is hell bent on the blackmailing portia. The latter described Heather Weber’s medical report as wrong, and Drew came to know. Although the reason behind Portia parting in malpractice has not been revealed, this is definitely a very big thing.
If this mystery is out, his medical license may be canceled. Drew is well aware of the results and holding the mystery in the form of leverage. When Curtin walks, he continues to blackmail her.
Drew Portia tries to cover its track, pretending to pitch a commercial offer. Since Drew is a Congressman with a political career for security, he has to ensure that no one is aware of his unethical plan. Did Curtin bought his excuse to meet Portia, or did he become a little suspicious?
One thing is certain – Drew has lots of enemies. And it will not be long enough until they combine to take him down for good. Stay for updates!