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Elon Musk withdraws lawsuit against Sam Altman a day after criticizing OpenAI: Story in 5 points

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Elon Musk withdraws lawsuit against Sam Altman a day after criticizing OpenAI: Story in 5 points

Elon Musk has withdrawn his lawsuit against OpenAI, in which he accused them of violating their contract. This happened on the day Musk criticized OpenAI’s partnership with Apple. Here’s the whole story in five points.

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Image: Reuters

Whether criticising other companies on X or talking about the dangers of AI, Elon Musk has often been in the headlines. The Tesla boss had accused OpenAI of deviating from its original mission in February this year. He had filed a lawsuit against the ChatGPT maker accusing it of “unfair business practices”. The lawsuit was recently dismissed, but Musk can file it again whenever he wants.


Moreover, the announcement of Musk withdrawing the lawsuit comes a day after he was seen criticizing OpenAI’s partnership with Apple that was announced on the first day of WWDC. This is definitely a lot of information and if you haven’t been keeping track of what exactly happened since February, you might feel confused. For your convenience, here’s the whole story in five points.

1. First up, Elon Musk on Tuesday withdrew his lawsuit against ChatGPT’s parent company OpenAI. According to a filing in San Francisco Superior Court, Musk’s lawyers asked the California state court to dismiss the lawsuit without giving any reasons.

2. According to a Reuters report, Musk has dismissed his case without prejudice, which means he can re-file it at another time. This happened on a day when Musk was seen criticising the Apple and OpenAI partnership announced during WWDC 2024. “I don’t want it (Apple Intelligence). Either stop this creepy spyware or all Apple devices will be banned from my companies’ premises,” Musk had written in a tweet.

3. Musk sued Altman’s OpenAI on February 29, accusing the company of violating its contract and engaging in unfair business practices. In the suit, Musk said OpenAI’s focus on maximizing profits for Microsoft, rather than benefiting humanity, goes against the company’s core mission. Musk also asked a judge to order OpenAI to make its research and technology available to the public and prevent the startup from using its assets, including GPT-4, for the financial gain of Microsoft and others.

4. Following the lawsuit, OpenAI responded and “denied all of Musk’s claims”. Further fuelling the fight, OpenAI released a blog post that included old emails sent by Musk to the company’s founders, in which he could be seen supporting the idea of ​​a for-profit arm of OpenAI and suggesting that OpenAI merge with Tesla. The company also filed a legal response, saying that Musk wanted all the success for himself.

5. Altman had revealed in an interview that he had messaged Musk shortly after he found out about the lawsuit. And what followed was an exchange of some “emojis”. In an interview with journalist Kara Swisher, Altman said that he had messaged Musk “something trivial” after Musk filed a lawsuit against OpenAI. Swisher then asked Altman what exactly he said and wondered if it was something along the lines of “WTF.”

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