Friday, July 5, 2024
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Friday, July 5, 2024

Chibalu idli ? This traditional way of making idli get attract from foodies !

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Chibalu Idli is not just a South Indian breakfast staple. They have gained wide popularity in many parts of India. Over the years, the dish has undergone many flavor twists.

A detailed demonstration of how these soft and fluffy steamed rice cakes are traditionally prepared was shared in an Instagram video on the ‘@foodie_incarnate’ page. The ingredients are common but the bowl in which they are prepared and the method of preparation sets these idlis apart.

Chibalu Idli

The video opens with a man pouring a thick, buttery coconut sauce into small chibals. ICYDK, Chiblus are handmade bamboo cups that mold the idli batter into a perfect oval shape. Once the process was complete, the cook placed the small cups on the steamer. Additional wooden sticks were placed inside the larger container to create more layers. A soupy vegetable stew poured into the chibalus was placed on top of the wooden pile.

Once all the batter-stuffed chibals are inserted into the steamer, it’s time to cook. The man covered the steamer with a cloth and then a lid. After a few minutes the lid was opened. Fresh steam started rising in the air, indicating that the lightly cushioned chibalu idli was ready. The South Indian delicacy was then served on a palm leaf-lined plate. The delicious coconut chutney added to the lip-smacking flavor – an extra flavor booster.

Also read:The viral video of making “Coconut Shell Idli” needs your immediate attention

Foodies queue up to share their impressions on the preparation of Cheebalu Idli. “This should be great,” one user confided.

“Need to try this,” agreed another.

Sharing his knowledge on the South Indian snack item, a food enthusiast wrote, “Steaming on cloth and wooden baskets can also allow steam to come from below.”

A relieved person said, “I am very happy to see an idli maker not stuffing the idli with ghee.

An Instagrammer shared that chibalu idlis are “very easy to make at home”.


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