A Canadian college student had her jaw wired shut after attempting to eat the popular Jawbreaker candy, forcing her to go on an all-liquid diet for six weeks, then unexpectedly realized that she Why is it called? The student, identified as Javeria Wasim, was shopping with her friend when they picked up the candy, which in some cases could be as big as a snooker cue ball.
“We found a giant, the biggest size they have,” Ms Wasim was quoted as saying. PeopleThe two friends also asked the shop owner about the candy: “‘Can we take a bite of this? The candy is literally called a jawbreaker.’ ,
As soon as Ms. Wasim bit into the gumball, her jaw started hurting. A friend reported that his front tooth was broken while the other tooth was loose. Realizing that the damage was to more than just one tooth, the two called an ambulance to take Ms Wasim to hospital, where an X-ray and CT scan revealed that she had suffered two fractures to her jaw.
Ms Wasim said, “I bit into it and only made a hole and my jaw started hurting. My friend looked and said my tooth was broken. It hurt a lot, when the ambulance came I was crying a lot and all “Something was blurry.” ,
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surgery to fix the jaw
The 19-year-old girl was unable to even open her mouth and doctors immediately sent her for surgery the next day. The procedure took an hour, during which his jaw was put back into place and a bandage was placed over his gums above and below it, keeping it closed for the next six weeks.
Ms Wasim admits that the horrific accident has left her traumatized for life and she may never eat another candy in her life.
“I had them when I was a little kid, I’ve seen videos of people biting little teeth, but I’ve never seen anyone biting big teeth. You realize how important your mouth is, you Use it for virtually everything in your life. It has greatly impacted my life.”
Wasim said that she has struggled with the side effects of liquid diet and surgery. She is now urging others to just lick the candy, even if it takes them weeks to reach the center.