Baby John, directed by Kellyanne and starring Varun Dhawan, Vamika Gabbi, Keerthy Suresh, Jackie Shroff and others, is clearly struggling at the box office. After collecting Rs 10.75 crore on the first day (Christmas Day), the film’s earnings saw a decline of more than 60 percent on the second day on Thursday. Baby John fell further on Friday while it had to stay at Thursday’s level or maybe even rise from Thursday. Saturday saw a slight increase in mass action and the numbers are similar to Thursday’s numbers; But this will not affect the final decision of the film, which has been sealed.
Baby John could not do anything special at the box office on Saturday.
Baby John earned around Rs 4.25 crore on the fourth day, taking its total to around Rs 22.50 crore. For an extended 5-day weekend worth Rs 27 crore, Sunday’s numbers should be in the same range. Due to such low collections, the film cannot be expected to earn much on New Year’s Eve and New Year. Final earnings of less than Rs 50 crore are inevitable. With very little collection from the international markets, the Varun Dhawan starrer may struggle to reach a final global gross of Rs 75 crore.
Holdover releases like Mufasa and Pushpa 2 have been registering better collections and that’s the sad story of Baby John.
Baby John is a loss-making deal for manufacturers
The budget of Baby John is around Rs 160 crore and the makers have earned Rs 120 crore in revenue from non-theatrical rights. A global theatrical share of less than Rs 30 crore would mean that the producers would incur a loss on the film. In the digital age, it is rare for filmmakers to lose money on a film. Baby John would be a rare example of a well-budgeted film turning into a loss due to a terrible theatrical response.
The day wise nett India collections of Baby John are as follows
Day | india net collection |
1 | Rs 10.75 crore |
2 | Rs 4.25 crore |
3 | Rs 3.25 crore |
4 | Rs 4.25 crore |
Total | Rs 22.50 crore |
baby john in theater
Baby John now acts in theaters. Have you seen Baby John? If yes, what did you feel about it?
Also read: Agent Bhaijaan Salman Khan gets the ‘naughtiest’ birthday wish from baby John Varun Dhawan and it’s too good to handle