These days, everyone is in the race for health – from trendy diets to going to the gym or being obsessed with calories. We all start out super motivated and thinking we’ve got it. But let’s be honest, sticking to a diet is hard. One mistake and we’re suddenly headed for chips or eating an entire pint of ice cream. Binge eating during a weight loss journey happens more often than you think. But here’s the good news: With these simple tips, you can keep your weight loss goals on target and avoid derailing. Let’s learn about 6 ways to stop overeating and stay on track!
Also read: 5 Tips for Creating a Mindful Eating Environment
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6 Tips to Avoid Overeating:
1. Stick to a realistic diet plan
The more restrictive your diet is, the harder it will be to stick to it. If you give up all your favorite foods, you are setting yourself up for failure. Excessive calorie deficit can make you feel deprived and increase the likelihood of overeating. Instead, aim for a balanced plan that includes all food groups and allows you to enjoy the occasional meal. This helps you feel less restricted and makes it easier to stick to your routine without too much fuss.
2. Stay hydrated
According to nutritionist Rupali Dutta, 80% of the time, our brain confuses thirst with hunger. When we’re dehydrated, our electrolytes become imbalanced, which disrupts our brain’s hunger signals. To fix this, keep a water bottle with you and aim to drink 8-10 glasses a day. Drinking water before meals also helps you feel full, making you less likely to overeat.
3. Plan your meals and snacks
If you don’t plan in advance, you’re more likely to have cravings, especially during your weight loss journey. Prepare your meals and snacks to avoid last minute decisions. Nutritionist Namami Agarwal recommends keeping healthy snacks like nuts, bananas and seeds handy in case you feel hungry between meals. Also, try to minimize the gap between dinner and bedtime – ideally, leave two to three hours in between. If you wait too long your body will start craving food.

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4. Distract yourself from cravings
You know the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?” Well, it works here too. If you’re craving something, try distracting yourself by taking a walk, calling a friend, or even organizing your space. Focused activities, like solving puzzles or reading, can take your attention away from food. And if the sugar cravings get too much, Ayurvedic expert Nidhi Pandya has a trick: Chew your food properly. The longer you chew, the sweeter it tastes, due to an enzyme that breaks down carbs into simpler sugars.
5. Use smaller plates and bowls
Portion control can be a game-changer. The trick is to fool your brain into thinking you’re eating more. Serve your food on smaller plates – this makes your portions look larger and helps you feel satisfied with less food. Combine this with eating slowly and mindfully, and you’ll be able to tell when you’re full without overeating.
6. Forgive yourself and move on
We are all human beings. If you slip up and get too impatient, don’t beat yourself up about it. Guilt can push you into an “all or nothing” mentality, where you feel like you’ve ruined it and may even continue eating unhealthy. Instead, accept what happened, figure out what caused it, and move on. Return to your plan at your next meal. Remember, it’s all about consistency, not perfection.
Also read: 5 Pro Tips for Enjoying Your Burrito Without the Mess