Potato is possibly the most versatile ingredient in our vegetable basket. It is affordable, easily available all year round and has a texture that can be easily used in culinary experiments. The best part is that potato is starchy and has no flavour of its own, making it more versatile than ever. We use it to make fries, kebabs, curries, sabzi and also as a binding agent for many other dishes. But did you know, the use of this vegetable is not just limited to your everyday food? You heard us. Potato can also be used in many other forms that you would have never thought of! In this article, we have told you some of the most unusual and interesting uses of potato that will leave you surprised. Read on.
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5 unusual uses for potatoes you never thought of:
1. Cleaning glasses:
We just hate when glass windows or glasses fog up. Isn’t it? It not only affects the overall look but also hampers your vision. What do you do then? The common answer would be, cleaning with a damp and dry cloth respectively. But trust us, this doesn’t give you the crystal clear vision you are hoping for. Instead, we suggest cutting a potato into two halves and using one to scrub the glass utensil. Then rub it with a dry cloth. This will help prevent condensation, resulting in a crystal clear, fog-free view.
2. Shine your shoes:
Have you run out of shoe polish and don’t have time to buy another one from your nearest store? Don’t worry! Potatoes can help you instantly. All you need to do is cut a potato in half and rub it on the parts of the shoes you want to polish and shine. After this, keep it like this for about five to seven minutes and then wipe it with a clean cloth or a soft shoe brush. You will immediately find that the dust is removed and your shoes start shining.
Also read: 6 Amazing Benefits and Uses of Potato Juice for Skin and Health
Photo Credit: Pexels
3. DIY Color Stamp for Art and Craft:
We understand that many of you might not know about this, potatoes have been used for centuries as a natural stamp for colors. Take half of a large potato and carve your desired design with a knife or chisel. Once done, dip it in the color and use it as a stamp on clothes, papers or anything you want. People widely use potatoes for natural and organic colors. The best part is that once you have created a design, you can cut that part and create another design on the remaining potato.
4. Use as Fertilizer:
Did you know, potatoes can also be a good source of food for your plants? Some gardeners use this vegetable to fertilize certain plants. Besides adding its peels to your compost pile, you can also use it directly as a source of food for your plants. All you have to do is make a hole in the potato (preferably a large one) and place a plant stem in it. Then plant the entire plant in a pot and let it grow.
5. Remove broken bulbs:
Bulb breakage is a common occurrence in every household. But removing the broken part of the bulb from the socket is a tricky task. It can be risky, causing deep cuts on your fingers. Guess what, we have a great solution for it! Cut a potato in half, then press it gently on the remaining glass and open it carefully. Just make sure you keep something underneath it to collect the broken glass pieces.
Did you find these hacks interesting? If yes, try to implement them in your daily life and let us know how effective they were. Have a nice day, dear reader!
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