While an ideal day includes rest and recreation, a good portion of most of the modern man’s days are spent at work. When it is generally satisfying and enjoyable, it is fantastic but if the working hours are filled with negativity and toxicity, it can significantly affect the mental health of the individual. An unhealthy work environment can reduce productivity and stifle creativity. In the worst case, a toxic work culture can also compromise physical and mental health. Employees working in a toxic work environment can also suffer from anxiety, depression, and stress. Constant fatigue and lack of sleep are some of the physical effects caused by a toxic environment. Toxicity at the workplace can lead to unfavorable behavior, ruining the efficiency of the employee as well as the organization.
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Based on research conducted by , we have listed some signs of a toxic work culture and tips to deal with it.
signs of a toxic work environment
1. Lack of recognition
Employees working in toxic environments often feel underappreciated. Their hard work goes unnoticed, and the company undervalues ​​their contributions. The lack of recognition associated with toxic workplaces can lower their morale, causing them to give their jobs a lower priority.
2. Factional behaviour
Employees in a toxic workplace often face harmful interactions such as rudeness, gossip and bullying. These can include instances of co-workers putting others down or alienating people from cordial relationships at work. This behaviour makes it difficult to work efficiently.
3. No work-life balance
A lack of work-life balance is a clear sign of a toxic environment. When employees are constantly expected to spend excessive hours at their work without any financial benefits or personal time, it can have negative mental and physical effects.
4. Micromanagement
Micromanagement is a management style that involves excessive control and minimal supervision. Micromanagement shows a lack of trust as it can stifle creativity and lower employee morale.
If you too experience these unwell symptoms at the office, here's how to deal with them.
How to deal with a toxic work culture
1. Set boundaries
Don't give in to pressure to skip your breaks or work after hours. Talk to your boss about the need for breaks and breaks from work to work efficiently.
2. Avoid drama
Don't get involved in gossip or drama. Office gossip will only distract you from your job and can affect you mentally and physically.
3. Don't blame yourself
Negativity at your job is not your fault. Having a positive attitude can help in complicated situations, so remember that you are not the problem and blaming yourself for the actions of others will only affect your mental peace and well-being.
4. Arrive at the workplace
If you find yourself in a toxic work environment and need help, the best way to deal with it is to seek help. Report the problem to the company's HR and approach them for better resolution through an unbiased medium. It is also a good idea to have friends at work so that you can seek their help for such problems.
5. Plan your exit
If there is no improvement in the work culture even after discussing the issues with your superiors, the best way to deal with it is to plan to quit the job and look for a new job.
Always remember that no work is more important than your mental health.
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