this sugar "spider woman" Can climb a 108 meter cliff without safety gear


this sugar "spider woman" Can climb a 108 meter cliff without safety gear

A 43-year-old woman in China is being praised online for her remarkable ability to climb cliffs more than 100 meters high without safety gear. according to South China Morning PostLuo Dengpin, who has earned the title of “Chinese Spider-Woman”, is recognized as the world’s only female practitioner of the ancient Miao tradition of bare-handed rock climbing. She is able to climb a cliff 108 meters high, which is equivalent to a 30-storey building, and move across vertical cliffs with ease.

according to SCMPMs. Luo is currently the only woman among the “spider people” in the region. He started rock climbing at the age of 15 under the guidance of his father. Initially, her motivation stemmed from a desire to compete with boys and earn a living by gathering medicinal herbs and bird droppings from swallows’ nests on the rocks, which served as fertilizer.

“They said it’s only for boys, but I believe men and women are equal, so I learned. That’s how my journey as a spider woman began,” Ms Luo said. BBC In 2017.

“Before this area was developed, I used to climb every day to collect swallow droppings. We used to climb 108 meters. Foreigners were often afraid of us climbing with our bare hands, but I got used to it. After doing this a few times, it became hard in my hands,” she said in an interview. Shandong TV.

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In particular, Ms. Luo’s extraordinary skill lies in the ancient Miao practice of rock burial. The Miao people traditionally inhabit remote and mountainous areas. They believe that burial at altitude allows the dead to “look back to their ancestral homeland” in central China. Over time, they have continued to hone their bare hand climbing skills, a tradition passed down through generations.

Today, Ms. Luo has turned her skills into a means of entertainment for tourists. She said, “Many visitors wanted to see how we collected the herbs and even paid us to display them. My income is not high, but I am proud to be a spider woman.”

Ms Luo’s story has inspired many people on social media. One user wrote, “People in the past were really capable of everything. Rocks and steep mountains did not stop them from exploration.” Another said, “Congratulations to the brave spider woman. Women are just as capable as men and true masters live among the people.”

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