Suffering from acidity? These 5 surprising diet hacks can help you

Acidity is a common problem faced by many people. During this time, we may experience heartburn, a bitter taste in the throat or gas and unpleasant bloating in the stomach. While there is no single cause for acidity, dietary choices play a major role in this condition. What we eat has a huge impact on our digestive system. Although there are medicines that can give you relief, it will only be temporary. If you suffer from acidity regularly, this article is for you. Some simple dietary changes can keep digestive problems at bay. Wondering what they are? Read on to know 5 expert-approved changes that can help you deal with acidity.

Also read: 6 foods and home remedies to deal with acidity – Expert reveals

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Here are some easy foods to reduce acidity and improve digestion

According to nutritionist Deepshikha Jain (, these easy foods can keep your acidity at bay.

1. Switch to smaller portion sizes

Instead of eating large portions of food during meals, eat smaller portions. According to the expert, the conscious decision to eat smaller portions will reduce your acid reflux to a great extent. Also, smaller portion sizes are important if you are watching your weight or trying to lose it. A simple way to incorporate this practice into your routine is to choose smaller plates and bowls.

2. Make friends with ginger tea

If you can’t live without your morning hot coffee but are suffering from acidity, it’s time to ditch it and drink ginger or herbal tea. Experts say that coffee contains a lot of acid, but ginger further reduces acidity by improving digestive enzymes. Moreover, ginger tea helps in better absorption of nutrients and prevents bloating, gas and indigestion, making it an ideal beverage to drink after meals.

3. Include healthy fats

Replace your unhealthy fats with healthy fats like those in French fries, burger patties and ready-to-eat frozen foods. Include nuts and seeds like almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, etc. in your diet as they are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and good fats, which will reduce your acidity. Make it a habit to eat a handful of nuts and seeds every day. An easy way to include more nuts and seeds in your diet is to have them during your breakfast so that you don’t forget about them during the day.

4. Choose non-citrus fruits

If you want to reduce your acidity, include non-citrus fruits in your diet. Citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, etc. are highly acidic and can worsen your acidity. Instead, consume non-citrus fruits like pears, apples, bananas, watermelon, etc. These will not only reduce your acidity but also improve your digestion due to their fiber content and keep stomach problems at bay.

5. Become a vegetarian

According to experts, replace dairy milk with any plant-based milk like almond and coconut. Normal dairy milk contains casein protein which is very difficult to digest and can make acidity worse. But plant-based milk is easy to digest. Also, plant-based milk is easy to make and delicious, making it a great option to include in your tea, coffee and daily diet.

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Also read:
So, make these essential dietary changes to keep digestive problems like acidity at bay!

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