Hope comes at a cost: Financial burden of living with breast cancer in India
Breast cancer cases and its economic impact are expected to increase to a large extent with an annual increase of 5.6%in India. By 2030, the financial burden of breast cancer will be $ 13.96 billion.

Breast cancer has put an important economic burden on Indians. As the most common types of cancer affecting women in the country, its increasing incidence, with heavy financial costs, is combining the challenges faced by patients and their families.
Cancer researchers recently stated that the cases of breast cancer and their economic impact are expected to increase to a large extent with an annual increase of 5.6%in India. In a study dated January 2025 published in scientific reports, researchers predicted that by 2030 the economic burden of breast cancer would increase to $ 13.96 billion.
In India, the cost and out-of-pocket payments for the treatment of breast cancer are high and have a reimbursement flow from many sources. Experts agree that although many patients receive some forms of reimbursement, the amount is still inadequate to prevent high out-of-packet payment.
Breast cancer and its physical effect
Breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the breast get out of control and form tumors. Cancer cells are formed inside milk ducts or breast milk producers lobbules. When the tumor is left untreated, it can spread to the nearby breast tissue, causing lumps or thickness.
In 2022, around 2.3 million women were detected breast cancer globally with 6,70,000 deaths. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in countries with a very high human development index (HDI), 1 in 12 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime and 1 out of 71 women die.
While 99% of breast cancer cases are in women, about 1% can be diagnosed in men. Treatment and management of status for men is similar to women.

Many factors cause breast cancer, especially a person’s genetic tendency. People with mutations in Jean BRCA1, BRCA2 and PALB-2 have a high risk of breast cancer development. If women have these genes, their options for treatment often include removing surgical of both breasts or maples strategies.
Other causes of breast cancer include family history, age, hormonal changes and lifestyle factors. According to the American Cancer Society, alcohol has a high relationship with breast cancer. Obesity, especially after menopause, also increases the risk. This is because women with obesity have a high blood insulin levels, which are associated with cancer.
Inactivity also increases the risk of cancer. Experts recommend an activity of 150 to 300 minutes or high intensity of 75 to 150 minutes each week each week.
Symptoms and symptoms of breast cancer include a lump or thick, often without pain, in the breast, breast size or size changes, dimpling, redness, dulat or any related changes in the skin, changes in nipple appearance, And unusual fluid from the nipple.
There are many ways to diagnose breast cancer, such as mammography (X-rays), breast ultrasound, MRI, biopsy and some blood tests such as full blood calculation (CBC), and blood chemistry tests.
It is a variety of treatment options what type of breast cancer it is. Surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, chemotherapy or targeted biological remedies are available.
Breast cancer and its economic effect
In the last two decades, the continuous increase in breast cancer cases in India is worrying. Once, the disease affecting women above 50 years of age is now being reported in women in the 20s.
The reason for experts is that, while on one side, awareness is increasing diagnosis in earlier stages, there is still poor diagnosis in the country. Researchers at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education, a review published in the Peer-Ruid BMJ Open, revealed that poor diagnosis and expensive treatment causes high mortality.
The specific cost of treatment, including radiation, surgery and examination, costs between 5 and 6 lakh rupees. The cost of six rounds of chemotherapy with personal treatment is more than Rs 20 lakh. Estimates suggest that only one of every two women suffering from breast cancer survives, causing 50% mortality.

A report by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has shown that the highest five -year survival rate of breast cancer is 66.4%. ICMR experts stated that limited access to delayed diagnosis and treatment facilities is the root cause of low survival rates.
With low survival rate and high cost of treatment, patients have decreased productivity. “Patients are unable to work due to their treatment as well as fatigue. Family members tolerate some financial burden as carefuls through lost hours of work or spending expenses spent for traveling and housing Do, “Dr. Shweta Mendirate, Gynecologist, Marngo Asia Hospital, Faridabad, told India Today Digital.
One study found that Stage I Her2 positive therapy cost for breast cancer, listed as an essential drug by WHO, estimates that the average annual income in India is similar to ten years of income.

“Direct medical expenses including diagnostic examination, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted treatments can be very high. From their behalf, many patients, along with helpful care as well as follow-up counseling and side to further expenses Sign up. Effect management, which forward them or ruin them financially, especially when they are unlicensed or less, “Dr. Mendirat said.
At the 2024 GST Council meeting, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitarman dropped the goods and service tax on three cancer medicines from 12% to 5%. One of them was tractuzumab deruxtecan, which is used to treat her2 positive breast cancer.
With the increase in breast cancer, many strategies such as the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) with machine learning can help diagnose cancer and provide better patient results. In addition, government policies of low cancer drugs can also reduce the financial stress to be borne by patients and their families.