Shah Rukh Khan, along with his wife, Gauri Khan and children, Abram and Suhana Khan, returned from their weekend break in Alibaug earlier in the day. While the countdown to the New Year has started, the Khan family has reached Jamnagar for the special celebration with the Ambani family. The video of his arrival at the airport has surfaced on the internet.
On December 29, when Shahrukh Khan reached Jamnagar with his wife Gauri Khan along with their son Abram, people caught him. In the video, the entire Khan family enters through the entry gate and moves towards the parked car. The young superstar was seen in a black t-shirt with an oversized matching hoodie, which also hid his face.
On the other hand, Shah Rukh’s wife Gauri Khan held Abram’s hand while leading King Khan. She projected a boss lady image by wearing a white shirt, wide-leg jeans with a yellow blazer and black sunglasses over them.
To keep an eye
Just a few hours ago, the Khan family was seen at the Mumbai airport while leaving for Jamnagar.
To keep an eye
Recently Salman Khan also celebrated his 59th Celebrated the birthday with the Ambani family in Jamnagar along with their family and close friends.
Earlier in the day, the Khan family returned from their Alibaug stay, and fans couldn’t miss King Khan’s adorable white pet, which he was seen holding in his hands. Earlier this week, on Thursday, December 26, Suhana and Agastya’s video surfaced as they went on a vacation.
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan will next be seen in Siddharth Anand’s film King, which will pair him on-screen with his daughter Suhana Khan for the first time. Abhishek Bachchan and Abhay Verma also play important roles in the film.
“Preparation work for this action-packed entertainer has been going on for the last 6 months, as Siddharth Anand and his team have done multiple rounds of recce around the world and have worked with internationally renowned stunt directors to create path-breaking action sequences. Designed.” a source shared with us.
King will be the second collaboration between the superstar and the director after his successful performance in ‘Pathan’.
Also read: Kareena Kapoor-Saif Ali Khan’s sons Taimur and Jeh are enjoying New Year holidays with a skiing experience and the actress can’t stop clicking them.