Actor Shanthi Priya defended the bad girl: art meant to incite the idea

Actor Shanthi Priya defended the film Bad Girl against the criticism of director Mohan Ji Kshatian. She said that the film intends to highlight social issues rather than targeting specific communities. He also supported the approach to Vetri Maran and Anurag Kashyap to tell the story.

Shanti Priya defended her film, Bad Girl.
Shanti Priya defended her film, Bad Girl.

Actor Shanthi Priya, who is a part of the artists of the upcoming Tamil -old play Bad Girl, has responded to the criticism of the film’s film’s director Mohan Ji Kshatriyan’s film. The director slammed Vetri Maran for portrayal of Brahmins, who are presenting the film. Shanti Priya emphasized the importance of artistic expression and the role of cinema in reflecting social issues.


He said that Bad Girl is a film that aims to throw light on important subjects rather than targeting any specific community. The actor told his belief that films should encourage dialogue and stimulate the idea, rather than seen as harmful or derogatory. She slammed Mohan’s claims and wrote “Art is a medium of expression, and cinema often reflects the complexities of society, relationships and identity. These films like these are breaking stereotypes and highlighting the unexplained narratives, which often all often Challenges social norms in communities.

Siding with Vetri Maran and Anurag Kashyap, who are presenting the film, wrote, “Varthiran and Anurag Kashyap are known for their bold and ineffective, who take on social subjects, deal with inequalities and uncomfortable truths . Encourage the conversation and the audience to reflect the intricacies of life and tradition.


He concluded, “Instead of considering such stories as an attack, they can be seen as an opportunity for introspect and understanding. Each community has its own challenges, and its prosperity by showing them in cinema And connects the relevance (SIC). “

Shanti Priya responded to the criticism of director Mohan Ji Kshatian's bad girl.
Shanti Priya responded to the criticism of director Mohan Ji Kshatian’s bad girl.

Director Mohan Ji Kshatriya slammed Vatri Maran and Anurag Kashyap first And it is written on X, “A Brahmin girl is always a bold and fresh film for this clan. What else can be expected from Varthiran, Anurag Kasip and the company. And first show it in his family (SIC). “

Mohan ji Kshatian post on bad girl
Mohan ji Kshatian post on bad girl

Bad girl includes Anjali Shivraman, Shanti Priya, Saranya Ravichandran, Hiridhu Aaron, Tejay Arunalam and Sashank Bomiridipalli. Directed by Varsha Bharat, Bad Girl will have its dramatic release this year. The date is yet to be announced.


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