Covid-19 is associated with an increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s, the effect of 4 years of aging

Conclusions suggest that light or medium covid -19 can accelerate biological processes that contribute to the formation of disease -causing amyloids in the brain.

Researchers said that they cannot confirm that if catching Sars-Cov-2 viruses directly causes these changes. (Photo: AP)

Researchers at Imperial College London have found that people who were diagnosed with Covid-19 were more likely to increase the level of biomarkers associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

The study showed that the levels of biomarkers associated with defective amyloid proteins were increased, and the effects were for four years of aging, which were accompanied by the biggest effects seen in hospitalized people with severe Kovid -19.

Conclusions have been published in the Journal of Nature Medicine.

Amyloid is a common protein with a series of functions in the body. But an abnormal form of protein is a major component of many diseases, called Beta-Emiloid (Aî of).

Conclusions suggest that light or medium covid -19 can accelerate biological processes that contribute to the formation of disease -causing amyloids in the brain.

Prior to the study, the author said, “Our findings suggest that there may be changes in the covid-19 that contribute to neurodogenative disease. We feel that it may be due to inflammation starting from the disease.”

Researchers said that they cannot confirm that if catching Sars-Cov-2 viruses directly causes these changes. “But our findings suggest that Covid -19 may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s in the future – as suggested for other types of infections in the past – especially in people with already existing risk factors,” Dr. Eugene said.

The team analyzed the biomarker in 1,252 participants from the UK Biobank, which was confirmed by both, between 46 to 80 years of age, both before and after the Sars-Cov-2 infections. The team then compared these biomarckers to participants with similar characteristics, but without proof of any pre -transition.

They found that Sars-Cov-2 infection was associated with changes in many blood proteins which was previously associated with brain A an pathology. The magnitude of changes was associated with a famous genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s.


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