Why is now (December) a better time to start making your New Year’s resolutions?

Why is now (December) a better time to start your New Year’s resolutions?

Are you always excited about New Year’s resolutions, only for the excitement to wane within a few days or weeks? Psychologists have an innovative solution to help you stick to your resolutions—start them in December.

Starting New Year’s resolutions in December takes you into a softer practice and habit-building zone (Photo: AI Generator, by Vani Gupta/India Today)

At the beginning of every new year, many people make a list of resolutions to improve their lives. For some people, it’s like finally taking the step and joining a gym, resolving to never smoke cigarettes again, or starting the journey of eating healthy every day. They look forward to January 1st to give themselves a fresh start and channel the infamous “new year, new me” energy.

And when January actually comes and it’s time to put those resolutions into action, many people find themselves struggling to stick to them as the initial burst of motivation fades and old habits become difficult to break. Is. Meanwhile, psychologists have an innovative solution to keeping your New Year’s resolutions — start them in December.

Get started on your New Year’s resolutions right away

Experts say starting New Year’s resolutions in December may increase your chances of keeping them. There are enough reasons why this works.

First, it puts you in a gentle practice and habit-building zone. Building the foundation for habit change takes time; It often requires several attempts and some experimentation to identify the best ways to disrupt the context that supports unwanted habits.

Don’t wait until January to make New Year’s resolutions. (Photo: Pexels)

“The inherent challenges of December – such as holidays and busy schedules – create an ideal testing ground. If one can maintain one’s resolve during this difficult month, one is more likely to maintain it during less challenging times as well. Think of it as training with weights before running a race – when January comes, the path feels lighter and more manageable,” explains Dr. Chandni Tugnait, a psychotherapist, life and business coach and founder-director of Gateway of Healing. Are.

The December strategy also helps overcome the ‘all or nothing’ mentality. After the initial excitement of New Year’s resolutions fades, it’s easy to lose priority on goals, causing you to fall back into old habits. Taking a test run in December can help you mentally prepare for the changes you plan to implement in the coming year.

“According to change theory, when forming new behavior, a person goes through the cycle of precontemplation, contemplation, decision making, action, maintenance and repetition several times. So, if one is unable to maintain one’s New Year’s resolution for a day or more, instead of taking it as a failure, see it as a lapse and start again,” says Online Mental Health Service. Charu Prabhakar, clinical psychologist at Manch Lisun, explains.

By starting your resolution in December, you allow yourself to experience this cycle early, making it easier to remain resilient and recommit after failure rather than losing hope and abandoning your resolution.

Fitness coach Yash Sharma, who practices this approach himself, has already started working on his New Year’s resolution of training early in the morning. He explains that the mind often views New Year’s resolutions as an overwhelming task.

“When the new year starts, you spend time deciding what to do, then motivate yourself to get started, thinking you need to keep at it all year long. This feels like a big challenge. However, if you start pushing yourself in December, it becomes easier for your brain to continue this habit into the next year,” he shares.

After the initial excitement of New Year’s resolutions fades, it’s easy to lose priority on goals, causing you to fall back into old habits. (Photo: Pexels)

According to Dr Rahul Chandhok, senior consultant and chief psychiatry at Artemis Light Hospital, New Delhi, “December is the ‘soft start’ of resolutions. There is not as much stress and worry because the change in behavior has been going on for weeks rather than just a cold turkey type of change.

When you start making those resolutions in December, the habits are already ingrained, making the transition into the new year easier.

“The brain has already begun to adapt to changes, whether it’s a new exercise routine or a different eating pattern,” explains Dr. Tugnight.

Additionally, there’s also a benefit to setting goals before the official new year begins. “Rather than diving in headfirst on January 1, December provides time to adjust strategies and identify potential headwinds. This testing period helps create more realistic and sustainable solutions, increasing the likelihood of long-term success,” says Dr. Tugnait.

More ways to make your new resolutions successful

Of course, you can start or develop a habit at any time of year. However, many people get caught up in the craze of New Year’s resolutions, even though habits take time and consistency to form. It is also very important to be realistic with the resolution you set.

Here are some helpful tips to give your New Year’s resolutions a longer life:

  • set smart goals

    Always set realistic, specific, and achievable goals.
    “Goals should be specific (eg: I want to lose 5 kg), measurable (I will measure it on a weighing scale), achievable (it has to be achieved in a period of 3 months), relevant (it is relevant) For me because I want to work on my physical health), and have a fixed time of execution (I will exercise between 6-7 pm). Psychologist Charu Prabhakar suggests that this approach to SMART goals scientifically increases the chances of maintaining them.

  • micro milestone method

    Dr. Tugnight suggests breaking your main resolution into monthly mini-goals. Instead of saying, “I will save Rs 50,000 this year,” resolve to save at least Rs 3,000 to Rs 4,000 every month. These smaller goals feel more achievable and provide regular wins to celebrate.

  • follow the two day rule

    Don’t skip your resolution-related activity for more than two days in a row.
    “This flexibility prevents an ‘all or nothing’ mentality while maintaining continuity. It’s especially effective for habits like exercise, meditation or learning a new skill,” says Dr. Tugnait.

  • to accumulate habit

    Connect your new habits to your existing daily routine. If you want to read more, pair it with your morning coffee or evening wind-down. These relationships make new habits more natural and sustainable.

Remember, meaningful change doesn’t require a specific date – it requires commitment and strategic timing. But if you’re planning New Year’s resolutions, take action now!

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