Home Lifestyle What your coffee order says about your personality

What your coffee order says about your personality

What your coffee order says about your personality

They say never judge a book by its cover. Well, they never said anything about judging someone by their coffee order! Yes, the kind of coffee you like and often order reveals something about your personality and inner qualities. So, what is your favorite coffee? Here we have six popular options – espresso, latte, black, iced, mocha and cold brew. Choose the one you like best and read ahead to see what it says about you.

Here are the different personality types based on popular coffees:

1. I’ll have an espresso

People who like espresso the most have a bold personality. They don’t believe in making things big and are practical in life. They like to be independent and enjoy being social and spending their time alone.

2. Hey? It’s always a latte

Latte lovers love beautiful things. They are attracted to beauty and sophisticated things. They are not very excited about risky adventures and are likely to stay in their comfort zone most of the time.

3. Please no milk, I have black milk

If you like black coffee, you are likely to be a strong-willed person with clarity in life (at least you believe so). You are confident and goal-oriented. You prioritize self-care and discipline. Your friends are likely to have a lot in common with you, as you may find it difficult to connect with people who have different values ​​and opinions.

4. Add more ice to my iced coffee

Iced coffee lovers are free spirited and childlike. They believe in following their heart and are willing to take risks. They believe in living in the moment and going with the flow. They consider dealing with boredom as one of their biggest challenges.
Also read: 5 clever ways to make your glass of cold coffee weight loss friendly

5. Mocha – Anytime, any day

Mocha lovers are social butterflies. They are always making plans to hang out with their friends. Their weakness is that they are very procrastinating and are often late to meet appointments or deadlines. They are not big fans of being an adult.

6. No cold brew? Then no coffee

People who love cold brew the most are patient and hardworking. They believe in putting time and effort into their relationships. They are likely to be trendsetters and are willing to try new things, provided they adhere to the quality and standard they want.
Also read: 7 signs that you are the biggest coffee lover among your friends

Does your favorite coffee match your personality traits? Share with us in the comments section.

Note: This article is for entertainment purposes only. While it highlights how food preferences may reflect aspects of personality, these relationships are not scientifically validated assessments.



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