West is focusing on Shilajit, which has been a mystery among Indians for age

West is focusing on Shilajit, which has been a mystery among Indians for age

Many wellness-affected and fitness enthusiasts now promote Shilljeet as a natural testosterone booster and muscle-building supplement. Photo: Freepic

A few months ago, during my visit to the mountains, I came into an interesting seller. Wearing an old jacket and wrapping a shawl around him, he was probably the first or perhaps the second seller who was hiding what he was selling.

As we got closer, he reached our pocket and showed us a black, tar-like substance that he claimed that everything was solved-from the poor libido to weakness. “This is Shilajit from the Himalayas,” he claimed, with an inappropriate jingle, who made us laugh out the product and to make him out of embarrassment.

Now, we are here. If you have ever gone to the mountains, especially in the Himalayas, then you must have seen many vendors selling Shilajit carelessly. But, we knew very little that this mineral is making waves not only in India but also all over the world.

Shiljit is mainly found in the Himalayan region. Photo: Freepic

Data shows that India is the largest exporter of Shilajit, in which America is its largest buyer. But how did Shilajit become so popular, and what can it really do for your body, especially for women? We tried to find out.

But first things first.

Where can you find Shiljit?

Shilajit has various names. The Persians called it “mummy” or “mumia” and believed that this biological minerals can cure all diseases and even cure broken bones. It is also called “Saljit” in Pakistan, and the Russians called it “Mumio” or “Mumi”.

For Indians for us, Shilajit has mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts and is a major component in perfect and Unini therapy, as well as folk remedies, especially in mountainous regions.

The use of Shiljit is behind for thousands of years, mentioning in Sanskrit texts and later included in Ayurvedic texts such as Charak (125–150 AD), Sushruta (200–500 AD), and Vagabhatta (600 AD). Some believe that Shiljit was introduced in India by Arab traders named “Momian”, later recognized and adopted by Ayurvedic physicians for its medicinal uses.

Shiljit is a powerful adaptogen. Photo: Freepic

Today, you can mainly find Shilajit in the Himalayan region including India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. It is usually extracted from a height between 16,000 and 19,000 feet. Although traditionally produced in India, Shiljeet is also found in other mountainous regions, such as the Caucasus Mountains, Altai Mountains and Gilgit-Baltistan.

What happens when women take Shiljeet?

Although marketing is often done for men, Shiljeet provides significant benefits for women. A overall health coach Dr. Mickey Mehta explains, “Shiljit is a gift from the Himalayas, which lies deeply as a powerful rejuvenation for women in Ayurveda. It purifies the body by excluding toxins, strengthens digestion, and liver Supports health. “

“Shiljit helps balance the hormones (regulates estrogen and progesterone levels), enhances energy, reduces fatigue, mood Increases, supports joint health, and improves skin health and bone strength that supports overall welfare when taken continuously.

Shiljit helps to strengthen the reproductive system to reduce hormones, PMS, irregular periods, reduce irregular periods and support fertility and PCOS. It also has a calm effect, reducing stress and intensifying attention, allows women to maintain balance and vitality. A rich in minerals and fullvic acids, it fights fatigue and nourishes the skin, hair and bones – especially important after menopause. Additionally, it can help increase iron levels in anemic women.

What does it do for men?

Today, various products on the market (India and abroad) promote Shiljeet as “IT supplements” for men. From the affected to Bollywood celebrities, everyone supports it. But is it as effective as advertisement?

“Shiljit is a powerful adapteogen, which helps the body deal with physical and emotional stress. The study suggests that it increases sperm count, testosterone, enhances stamina, and improves reproductive health, ” Dr. Mehta says.

Shiljeet supports cognitive work, intensifying focus, memory and mental clarity while fighting fatigue.

“Research suggests that Shilajit helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), improves blood flow, and reduces oxidative stress,” Dr. Mehta says. However, he emphasizes that for optimal benefits, “it should be purified (shuddha) and taken in the right Ayurvedic dosage and method.”

Eshanka Wahi supports these claims and points to scientific studies, cited as a 2016 study published in Andrologia, which found that the men who consumed pure Shiljeet for 90 days, they have tested testosterone Expercried the level of 23.5 percent. However, more comprehensive studies are required to prove its effectiveness.

Why is the West suddenly seen with it?

In August 2024, Shiljit made headlines when an Australian company, Himalayanpovershiljeet started selling it from Rs 3,700 per 15 grams. Like the Himalayan Poversiljeet, many brands today (both western and Indian for Western audiences) are redeeming this trend. In fact, India is the largest exporter of Shiljit in the West.

The West has shown a pattern of adopting Ayurvedic herbs – first Ashwagandha, then Brahmi, Neem and Tulsi. Now, Shiljeet is his new passion. Dr. Mehta says, “As a traction of Ayurvedic Wisdom, it has also caught the fans of the modern world. People are turning to natural adaptogen on pharmaceuticals.”

Many wellness-affected and fitness enthusiasts now promote Shilljeet as a natural testosterone booster and muscle-building supplement. The presence of popular acid has also made it popular in the anti-aging market.

“Western biohakar looks as a natural way to customize health. It is now seen as part of the biohaking trend with fitness, longevity and anti-aging,” says Asanka Wahi.

With increasing preference for overall health, many western people are looking for natural methods to increase brain function, energy and overall well -being, which Shiljeet has introduced in Ayurveda for centuries.

Who should not take Shiljit?

“When I had this herb, I had to change my pad every 15 minutes,” Dr. Shares Mithali, which goes on Instagram by @Daughter. She recalls a story from her eighth standard when a seller in Himachal sold a herb to her mother, claiming that it was good for her children. After consuming Shiljit, the long story short, she experienced uncontrollable bleeding.

Take a look at the video:

Despite its many benefits, Shiljit is not suitable for all and should be taken with caution. Dr. Mickey Mehta warned against its use in some cases:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this.
  • People with iron overload (hemocromatosis) should be clear, because Shiljeet is rich in iron.
  • People with high uric acid levels or gouts may experience provoking.
  • This can reduce blood pressure, so people with hypotension should avoid it.
  • Shiljeet can stimulate the immune system, which can be harmful to individuals with autoimmune disorders such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It should be avoided with compromised liver or kidney function.
  • It can interact with anticoagulants, diabetic drugs and blood pressure medications.

Less quality Shilajit can cause serious side effects, as Dr. Has seen in Mithali’s case. Possible side effects of excessive or low quality Shilajit include:

  • Digestive discomfort (nausea, diarrhea)
  • Uric acid level increased
  • Allergic reactions (rash, dizziness)

Always remember to consult a professional before taking Shiljit, depending on her bloodwork.

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