Home Entertainment Throwback: When Ben Affleck lied to Matt Damon’s mom to convince her...

Throwback: When Ben Affleck lied to Matt Damon’s mom to convince her to support his Hollywood career

Throwback: When Ben Affleck lied to Matt Damon’s mom to convince her to support his Hollywood career

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon have become household names thanks to their successful careers in Hollywood as actors, writers and producers. However, their path to stardom wasn’t always easy, especially when it came to getting support from their families. In a throwback, Ben Affleck admitted to lying to Matt Damon’s mother to get her support for his Hollywood dreams.

Both Ben Affleck and Matt Damon knew from childhood that they wanted to be actors. But their families didn’t agree that it was the best path for them.

Damon’s mother, in particular, was skeptical about the world of Hollywood. She tried to discourage her son by describing the industry as full of obnoxious egotistical people. Damon, on the other hand, was firm in his goals.

Damon’s close friend and acting partner Ben Affleck tried to reassure Damon’s mother. Years later, he admitted that he had not been completely truthful in his efforts.

He told Interview magazine, “Actually, in high school I remember trying to explain to Matt’s mom that not everybody in Hollywood is a total liar and a jerk.” Affleck added, “I was saying there are people in Hollywood who have a social conscience. I repeat that many years later, now I realize that was a total lie. (laughs).”

Damon told Interview magazine in 1997 that he knew he was going to be an actor by the time he was 12. Initially, he wanted to be a basketball player, inspired by his favorite player, Tiny Archibald. Damon’s father, recognizing his family’s height limitations, advised him to reconsider.

He said that his father sat him down and told him that he was the tallest Damon had ever seen and that he was five-eleven years old but he would never play in the NBA. Damon said that he quit basketball at that time and started acting.

Damon’s mother questioned his motivations. Damon recalled a conversation he had with his mother when he was a teenager. He said he was 16 or 17 and was talking to his mother one day, and she asked why he was so passionate about acting, he said he wanted to walk down the street someday and people would look at him and say, ‘Matt Damon is the greatest actor ever’. She said it was just an egotistical dream and how would it help other people.

Affleck’s parents were also hesitant about his career choice, although his father was involved in the Boston theater world. He said he thinks his parents were concerned because everyone knows acting is a difficult career.

He said he doesn’t think they’re happy with the prospect that their kids will have to face a lifetime of rejection, struggle for a sandwich and expect free refills at the age of 45. But Matt and he were very clear about their desire to be actors.

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