Sunita Williams says this is "hardest part" Get stuck in space

NASA astronaut Sunita Williams, who recently completed nine months at the International Space Station (ISS), with astronaut Buch Wilmor, recently revealed the most difficult part of the space being stuck in space. For Williams, whose eight-day mission expanded up to 270-day migration in space, the most challenging part was not a shortage of gravity or limited quarters, but uncertainty on their return timeline-his and his family waited for his family to return to his home on Earth.

Addressing the press from the International Space Station (ISS) on Thursday, Williams said, “The most difficult part people on the ground are not well known when we are coming back. It’s a rollerCoster for them – maybe more and more for us.”

For a long time, NASA astronauts Wilmore and Williams started on 5 June 2024 for an eight-day stay for ISS on Boeing Starlineer. However, his spacecraft faced several technical issues for space. As a result of NASA, Starlineer was declared very risky to take astronauts back home. The spacecraft returned to Earth without its crew in September, leaving two astronauts without a ride house.

Now, the American Space Agency plans to bring both its astronauts back to Earth on 19 or 20 March, but they will make their comeback with the help of SpaceX of billionaire Elon Musk on their crew -9 returns flight.

The long stay of the astronaut has also created a dispute over the land, Kasturi claims that astronauts are “being left into space for political reasons.” US President Donald Trump also resonated Bhavna, suggesting that the former Biden administration was deliberately delaying his return.

However, both Williams and Wilmor showed political drama. When asked to comment on the matter, Williams said on Thursday, “We know what we are here.”

He said, “We have a lot of respect for everyone trying to go home.”

Meanwhile, Wilmore said that he and Williams were left in the dark, which was doing what was doing to bring back the Biden administration with “no information” and hence he believes that Kasturi claims that Kasturi claims

Wilmore said, “It is known that we do not have the bus, so I believe.”

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