Diljit Dosanjh’s much-awaited film Punjab 95 is finally ready for release. Earlier on the morning of January 11, 2025, she shared her first look from the film and it took social media by storm. Now, the actor-singer has given a release update on the film and said that it will release in February 2025.
Diljit Dosanjh shared a heart-touching picture from the film on X (formerly known as Twitter), in which his character can be seen with his children. Keeping it short, Diljit wrote the title of the film and shared that it will release in February. However, it is not clear whether the film will be released in theaters or on OTT.
Soon after they made the announcement, fans took to the comments section to share their excitement. Seeking more information about the release of the film, a fan asked, “Paaji in theaters or on OTT platform?” Another wrote, “Paaji this is a story of a great man and first day first show, definitely love you Diljit paaji.”
After watching “Punjab 1984” I can say that only you can do justice to that character. Hopefully, it is a good film with a good story and depicting the real pain of 25000 families. I would take my kids to see it. We love you Paaji,” read another fan’s tweet. “Oh wow.. new movie congratulations!!!” wrote one fan who seemed thrilled with the announcement.
Punjab ’95 is directed by Honey Trehan and is based on the life of Sikh activist Jaswant Singh Khalra who went missing in September 1995. The film has been delayed for a long time due to conflicts with CBFC. According to OTT Play, the film was presented before the Censor Board in December 2022, after which several cuts were suggested. A report in Mid-Day stated that the CBFC has suggested 120 cuts in the film which also includes a change in the title of the film as it refers to the year of Khalra’s death.
Also read: In a memorable moment, Coldplay’s Chris Martin read Diljit Dosanjh’s popular line ‘Punjabi Aa Gaye Oye’ from a fan poster during the concert; Watch