Home Lifestyle Milk vs Ragi: Which Ingredient Has More Calcium?

Milk vs Ragi: Which Ingredient Has More Calcium?

Milk vs Ragi: Which Ingredient Has More Calcium?

Eating a nutrient-rich diet is essential for maintaining overall health and energy levels. After all, who doesn’t want to glow from within and feel great every day? While we often focus on adding protein, vitamins or even fancy superfoods to our diet, one nutrient that gets overlooked is calcium. It is literally the backbone of our body, as our bones—which are made of calcium—depend on it for strength. Many of us look for natural, non-dairy options to boost our calcium intake, and ragi has become a star player in this game. But the question is: when it comes to calcium, is ragi really a better option than milk? If this is the question on your mind, read on to find out if this millet is worth including in your diet.

Also read: 5 Signs That You Are Calcium Deficient – ​​Important Steps To Take

Why is calcium important for the body?

Calcium is an important mineral that helps with many daily bodily functions. As you know, about 99 percent of the calcium in the human body is in the bones and teeth. Calcium is necessary for bone growth and maintenance. In addition, this essential mineral helps muscles move and nerves carry messages between the brain and the rest of the body. Our body stores most of its calcium in the bones and teeth. However, if enough calcium is not obtained in the diet, the body takes it from the bones, which can weaken them over time. This increases the risk of osteoporosis and bones become brittle. This is why it is important to include calcium in your diet. Some popular sources of calcium are cottage cheese, papaya, mulberry, litchi, kiwi, spinach and broccoli.

Milk vs Ragi: Which has more calcium?

According to nutritionist Deepshikha Jain, both milk and ragi are good sources of calcium. However, one is better than the other. When you drink 100 ml of milk, you get about 110 mg of calcium. In contrast, when you consume 100 grams of ragi, you get about 350 mg of calcium. So, to get as much calcium from milk as from ragi, you would have to drink three glasses of milk.

Milk vs Ragi: Which is better for your digestive system?

The simple answer is ragi. When you drink milk, it can irritate your stomach, cause acne or pimples and make you feel bloated. If you have lactose intolerance, it can also have a bad effect on your stomach.

However, when it comes to ragi, it is very high in fibre, which can keep your digestive system healthy and happy. Due to its high iron content, ragi is also good for people suffering from anaemia. Apart from this, ragi contains other nutrients like potassium that can help in overall health.

Watch the full video below:

Also read: Know these clear differences between calcium and vitamin D; no, they are not the same

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.



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