Meg Ryan, Billy Crystal rebuilt the prestigious Harry Met Sally Scene for Super Bowl. Watch
The super bowl season is here, and therefore their latest advertisements. In his latest advertising, film star Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan add a ‘delicious’ turn to their prestigious when Harry met Sally Sequence.

Usually during the Super Bowl season, fans are excited to not only see their favorite teams going against each other, but most of them eagerly wait for the fun and creative advertisements pushed by the companies during the period period. . One of the latest advertisements has attracted everyone’s attention, a mayonnaise commercial with the film stars Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal.
Dear Rome-Kom couple re-made their prestigious ‘intercourse’ sequence since the release of 1989, when Harry Met Sally. As in the original film, here too, Meg gives an intercourse pleasure, but this time, it is in praise of a delicious sandwich. Meg has continued to appreciate the food as Billy said at one point, “Here we walk again.”
The video also featured a stunning cameo by actor Sydney Sweeni, which saves the line, “I will have what he is doing.”
See Super Bowl Advertisement Here:
When Harry Met Sally recently celebrated his 35th anniversary and was accepted as a part of the National Film Registry. To mark the occasion, both Crystal and Ryan decided to give their hints to appear in the spin-off advertisement. Crystal quoted Crystal as saying, “It felt like a right storm for us to return to the same table together and indigestion.”
“I never returned, sometime. It looks in the same way, exactly the same,” Ryan commented in his voice with surprise about dinner.
In addition to Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan, when Harry met Sally, Sally Met Carrie Fisher, Bruno Kirby, Steven Ford and Lisa Jane Persky liked, and other people also acted. It was co-written and directed by Rob Rainer.