We can’t believe that it’s been 25 years since Hrithik Roshan enthralled the audience with his acting skills. After working as a child actor and assistant director, he finally made his big screen debut in January 2000 with Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. In the film, she showcased her impeccable dancing skills and even tried playing the guitar despite not knowing it. But he recently revealed that his sons Rehaan and Hridhaan were not impressed by his guitar playing skills in Pyaar Ki Kashti. here’s why!
Hrithik Roshan recently interacted with the media at an event organized to celebrate the actor’s 25 years in Bollywood. This is when he went back in time and remembered the shooting of the track Pyaar Ki Kashti Mein from Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. He was asked to play the guitar for the song just a day before the shooting. At that time, he went crazy because he did not know how to play musical instruments.
Although he stayed up all night learning to play the guitar but it did not work. But since he was able to move his fingers on the instrument to match the sound of the song, he thought he had mastered it. But years later, when his sons Rihaan and Hridhaan saw him playing guitar in the film, they were disappointed.
The Fighter actor said that since his children know how to play instruments, they immediately came to the conclusion that ‘Dad, you can’t do this’ because he was “obviously faking it.” Only then did he realize that he was playing all the wrong notes and apparently to no avail.
As KNPH gets ready to re-release in theatres, the Greek God of Bollywood is getting a scare. “I am very afraid that this film is being re-released. People will go back tomorrow, 25 years later, and say, ‘What were we thinking?'” the Indian Express quoted him as saying. This musical romantic thriller was also the debut film of actress Ameesha Patel.
Also read: Hrithik Roshan brings back his OG charm as he attends the special fan screening of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai; Watch