Govinda’s wife feels that the actor may now have a connection: people go to the senil after 60

Govinda’s wife feels that the actor may now have a connection: people go to the senil after 60

Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja expressed her concern about the actor, which is probably now a relationship that she is out of work, as she had no time for such distractions during her busy career peak. He also said that men are secreted after 60, Witch makes him more unsafe.

Sunita Ahuja a Govinda (Photo: Instagram)
Sunita Ahuja a Govinda (Photo: Instagram)

Govinda’s wife, Sunita Ahuja, has now expressed her concern over Govinda on an affair. In an interview recently, he shared that the actor was so busy that he never had time for cases at the peak of his career. However, now that he is out of work and more than 60, Ahuja is afraid that he may have only one.

Speaking about how he reacted to the actor’s link-up rumors, Sunita Ahuja told Hindustan Times, “Kyanki kabi yahan link up, Kabi GaarBut often that non-stop is working, so time Hi nahi tha affair of karne. Now that (Govinda) is the work of the work, then I am insecure and do it. 6 60 Bad Log Sathia Jait HanYou (this used to be very difficult for me to deal with your link-up and rumors of matters, but because he used to work on many films simultaneously, he had a bare time for any time. However, however, however, He has been out of work for the last two years, so now I am afraid that he may have an affair.


Sunita Ahuja also revealed that Govinda has been out of work for two years. “I was managing Govinda’s work, but he too, has stopped working for two years, so now I want to do something for myself and go a way to career. I feel alone, so I want to be busy. Looking at a comedy show on TV, there is something that I am watching. Shakal is a good (I feel good)! Tina (her daughter) is working with me on a podcast and there are some other views on which we are working. ,

He advised women not to depend on men or children. “Don’t trust men a lot, girgit hote hain ye log (They change color like chameleon). Do not depend on children either. Once the children get older, and you have done their work for them, and they have their own life, Live your life (live your own life). After a certain age, every woman should take time out for her interest, for her good, ”she said.


In an earlier interview, Sunita said that he and Govinda do not live together, often live in their bungalows with Govinda due to late meetings and meetings. “We have two houses, we have a bungalow contrary to our apartment. I have my temple and my children in the flat. He likes to talk, so he will gather 10 people and interact with them,” he Explained.

Last year, Govinda accidentally shot himself in NovemberTo worry your family and friends. Fortunately, he has recovered from the incident and celebrated his 61st birthday last December.

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