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At LG Korea office, employees send messages to AC when it’s too hot or too cold


At LG Korea office, employees send messages to AC when it’s too hot or too cold

The world is getting smarter and the state-of-the-art LG office is an example of this. Employees at LG’s Twin Towers office in Seoul can adjust the room temperature by sending messages directly to the smart AC, saving them from manual adjustments and administrative intervention.

At LG Korea office, employees send messages to AC when it’s too hot or too cold
Representative image created using AI

Employees in office environments often deal with extreme temperatures. Some people prefer a very cold environment, while others are comfortable with moderate temperatures. This often leads to fights over the AC remote – whether they are cool or quiet. However, the situation is different at LG’s Twin Towers office in Seoul, South Korea. Here, employees don’t wait for admin support to adjust the temperature. Instead, they directly text the smart AC with their temperature preferences. The smart AC then adjusts the temperature based on their feedback. Sounds like a total fantasy, right? It’s not. LG uses the cloud-based Air Solution Care system to do this.


Speaking to India Today Tech, Lee Lee, LG’s global PR lead, explained the new feature. He shared how the Twin Towers office uses an app called Connect On, which was piloted there and is currently available in Korea as well. “Once I booked a meeting room that was extremely hot and humid. Instead of calling someone from the admin team, I messaged the AC through the Connect On app,” he said.

When asked how the Connect On app manages multiple requests from different employees, Lee explained that the app aggregates all the requests and responds to the most common preferences. “It usually takes 5-10 minutes for the AC to adjust to the desired temperature once the request is sent,” he said.

This feature is not limited to the Twin Towers office. Lee explained that all LG facilities have their own apps designed to improve the work environment by responding to requests or complaints. These apps are accessible to all LG employees. A screenshot of the conversation between Lee and AC has been shared below. However, the language is Korean by default, so you may have to use a translator app to read it.

Understanding the technology behind the ability for employees to communicate their AC preferences by text

The technology behind this feature is primarily supported by the LG BECON Cloud. It is a cloud-based air solution care system designed to monitor and maintain LG system air-conditioners and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) units in real-time. Here’s how this technology works, as per a blog shared by LG.

– Employees use an app like Connect On to send their temperature preferences to the AC system. This app communicates directly with the smart AC units via the BECON cloud. When an employee texts their desired temperature, the system receives this input in real-time and adjusts the settings accordingly.

– The LG Beacon Cloud constantly monitors the performance and status of LG air conditioning systems. This 24 x 7 monitoring capability allows any abnormal behavior or problem to be detected immediately, ensuring that systems are always operating at their best performance.

– BECON Cloud uses big data analysis to manage and prioritize multiple requests. When multiple employees send temperature preferences, the system aggregates these inputs and determines the most common or urgent needs. This ensures that the temperature is adjusted to meet the collective demand, providing a comfortable environment for the majority.

– By constantly analyzing system performance, BECON Cloud can detect potential problems before they escalate. If any abnormalities are found, the system alerts engineers who can be dispatched immediately to resolve the issue. This proactive maintenance approach reduces downtime and maintenance costs, ensuring uninterrupted comfort for employees.

– LG Beacon Cloud ensures that all connected facilities are monitored 24 x 7, no matter where they are located. This interconnected system can detect problems in real-time and analyze data from multiple locations simultaneously, making operations more efficient and convenient for users.

– The ability to identify and resolve system problems in advance ensures minimal disruption and maximum convenience for employees. The ease of adjusting the temperature via a simple text message adds a layer of convenience, eliminating the need for manual intervention by admin staff and allowing for a more responsive and adaptable office environment.



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