Home Lifestyle 7 signs that you may have fatty liver, according to a nutritionist

7 signs that you may have fatty liver, according to a nutritionist

7 signs that you may have fatty liver, according to a nutritionist

Fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly common due to modern lifestyles. Although it may seem harmless, this condition can have serious consequences. The liver, the body’s second largest organ, plays a vital role in detoxification and fat metabolism. Fatty liver often develops silently without any obvious signs. So how can you tell if your liver is at risk? It doesn’t just depend on your eating and drinking habits, but also on how you live. If you’re concerned about your liver health, this guide is for you. Here are seven habits that may indicate a fatty liver. We’re not here to lecture – just to help you catch the signs before it’s too late.

Also read: To cure fatty liver, you must eat these 5 foods

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Here are 7 habits that may be a sign of fatty liver:

Dietitian and nutritionist Shweta J Panchal (@dt.shwetashahpanchal) explains how your lifestyle and eating habits can affect liver health. Here are some signs and habits to look out for:

1. Sedentary lifestyle

If you spend most of your day sitting, whether at work or at home, you may be at risk for fatty liver. Sitting for long periods of time slows down metabolism and causes fat to accumulate in the liver. This lack of movement hampers the body’s ability to break down fat effectively, causing liver damage over time.

2. Excessive consumption of fast food on weekends

It’s common to eat fast food on weekends, but overeating can be harmful. Fast food contains unhealthy fats, sugars, and refined carbohydrates, which can put pressure on the liver and contribute to fat buildup.

3. Alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol regularly, even during work-related events, can damage your liver. The liver metabolizes alcohol, and excessive consumption can affect its processing ability, leading to fat accumulation. It is important to drink alcohol with caution to prevent long-term damage to your liver.

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4. Not eating vegetables

Not including enough vegetables in your diet can increase your risk of fatty liver. Vegetables are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients that support liver health by aiding digestion and preventing fat buildup. Including a variety of vegetables in your diet is the key to maintaining a healthy liver.

5. Sitting after meals

Sitting immediately after eating can impede digestion and contribute to fatty liver. Inactivity after meals slows calorie burning and fat metabolism, leading to fat accumulation in the liver. Taking a short walk after a meal can improve digestion and reduce fat buildup.

6. Lack of physical activity

It’s not just your diet – lack of exercise also plays a role in the development of fatty liver. Regular physical activity boosts metabolism and prevents fat accumulation. Incorporate some form of exercise into your daily routine to improve liver health.

7. Late dinner

Eating after 8 pm can impair your body’s fat metabolism and digestive system. Late-night meals are more likely to be stored as fat in the liver, increasing the risk of fatty liver. Aim to eat early in the evening and choose light meals.

Watch the full video here:

Also read: Green tea extract (along with exercise) may help fight fatty liver disease – study

Avoid these habits to keep your liver healthy and functioning optimally!

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.



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