6 years of Pulwama: Akshay Kumar pays tribute to Breves
Actor Akshay Kumar shared a heartfelt tribute to the brave soldiers who lost their lives in Pulwama six years ago on this day.

Akshay Kumar paid tribute to the brave soldiers who lost their lives in the Pulwama attack six years ago. Recalling 40 martyred Indian heroes, he respected his sacrifice in one of the most deadly terrorist incidents.
He shared a post on X and wrote, “Those who sacrifice themselves for the country become immortal. We pay tribute to the martyrdom of our brave soldiers who were martyred in the Pulwama attack. We will always remember them and stand with their families. Jai Hind (SIC), “His post read Hindi relaxed.
Take a look at the post here:
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On February 14, 2019, the country faced one Among the deadliest attacks in their incidents – Pulwama terrorist attack, resulting in 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Jawans and many others. It was executed by Pakistan-operated Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist group.
The attack sent shocks across India and is remembered every year as ‘Black Day’ to pay homage to the heroes and consider the struggle against terrorism.
The attack took place in Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir. A CRPF convoy traveling on the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway was targeted by a vehicle full of explosives, resulting in one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in India.