6 simple Pak swaps to improve your food every day


The perception that a healthy diet is boring is chronic. Today, people vow to eat nutritious food without compromising taste. Wonder how to do it? This is simple! Make small, brain changes in your daily cooking habits and experience the difference yourself. To help you with this, we have listed some smart hacks that are easy to follow and require minimal changes in your regular culinary routine. You want to reduce oil and sugar consumption or add more nutrients to food, this list is your one-stop solution. Let’s take you through it.

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Here are 6 easy ways to make your daily food healthy:

1. Pick up the content carefully

This is the first step towards healthy food. Packed food, frozen meat, store-bred sauce and prepared food often contain trans fats, sugar, salt and preservatives, adding extra calories to your diet. Instead, choose a fresh, healthy food for fresh fruits, vegetables, poultry and lean meat.

2. Control part size

How much you eat is as important as you eat. While we do not believe in avoiding specific food items, it is necessary to consider the amount used during a dish cooking. Always remember: Excess of anything is bad for you.

3. Reduce cooking oil

We understand that oil adds taste and texture to food, but it also increases calorie intake, causing various health risks. Instead, use slow-cooking methods to reduce oil consumption without compromising on taste. Alternatively, try healthy cooking techniques such as steaming, air-fringing and grilling.

Also read: 5 easy and useful suggestions to start your cooking journey as an adult

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4. Add more seasonal vegetables

The goodness of vegetables should not be introduced. They are filled with essential micro-and macronutrients and make your food both tasty and colorful. Experts suggest to ensure that vegetables cover half your plate in each meal. For example, add spinach, bottle gourd, carrots, beans and radish to your lentils, or toss some mushrooms into your omelette. These twics will make your dish more nutritious, delicious and satisfactory.

5. Cut on salt and sugar

Excessive salt and sugar intake increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and other lifestyle diseases. Instead, use dark chocolate, date puree and other natural sweetness to enhance taste. Similarly, change the sodium with herbs and spices such as garlic, ginger, cinnamon and coriander leaves to add depth and taste to your food.

6. Plan your food

It is easy to follow a healthy cooking routine when you plan your food in advance. This helps you to choose the content carefully and creates some Mise en place, making cooking fast, more comfortable, and of course, healthy.

These Pak swaps are soundable, are they not? Therefore, make them a habit and enjoy a healthy life. Cook clever, eat better!

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